Usotsuki Satsuki wa Shi ga Mieru - Vol. 7 Ch. 67 - Well-Being

Dex-chan lover
Mar 9, 2020
It feels like an end is nigh on the horizon.

ummm so what about the explosion. was that already solved? also i hate to be the scary one here but nerve gases can cause the effects she said as well.

If I got this right. They are trying to prevent the explosion by having Seo undergo a near-death experience and also catch school president in the process. Like what has been discussed in the recent chapters with cause and effect. But I am suspicions that Komachi is the one trying something funny there regardless of Seochi's outcome.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2020
Shiina ain't normal. I think normal people would have a stress-induced breakdown. Shiina on the other hand is some sort of sociopath.
You're right, when I said Normal, I thought what a reader would do. What I wanted to say that it almost seems like Shiina is disconnected from her reality. She is unconcerned about everyone but herself, almost like there is a wall between her and the people, a fourth wall. She watches things happening but never intervene likes it's a drama on stage. Atleast, that was how her character was at start.
Group Leader
Mar 8, 2023
I like seeing Akira caring about Satsuki just as much as everyone else, but the more unfun side of me at the midnight fridge still has to ask: how did she see that Satsuki was around when dropping off a bridge?
Dex-chan lover
May 13, 2023
Man.. Class Prez, sorry, but you gotta leave >_> She's hella weird and suspicious, just the way she said 'Thank you for saving (my) Akki' almost and overall I wouldn't even be surprised, if she were to be the cause..
Dex-chan lover
Aug 13, 2018
The Prez is going by the theory that killing Seo will somehow stop the Final Destination monster from killing the whole class…?

This is stupid on so many levels…does he know if it fails he’ll not only be a murderer but also a bunch of people will be dead?

Also there’s no heterosexual explanation to Akira anymore.
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Dex-chan lover
Sep 29, 2019
Seo as distraction, while the actual target gonna be the whole class huh

what i gonna guess is Seo prematory corpse might be the prez doing before knowing there’ll be incident in the classroom, while both Satsuki & Prez being distracted by that, someone else also set up for the class explosion incident.


since the prez just saw bunch of prematory corpses in the classroom, he decided to plan to kill Seo immediately while trying to stop the incident behind the scene without being known by the actual killer.

idk, sounds like i want the stuco prez to take action about this, even though it might sacrifice Seo’s life. since it looks like we got another future suspect (a.k.a class rep), i just hope it won’t be her. Komachi is still the main suspect one for me since she’s having red flag vibe.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 24, 2023
That big explosion in the classroom, isn't it the same on in the first chapter, when author introduced Satsuki?
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2023
Y’all don’t forget Shiina went to the dead Kouhai’s house and found her phone, meaning she probably knows it was Seo who set the girl up to almost kill her. She’s hella sus to me ever since that day.

She may be the cause Satsuki gets into a dilemma when “Bomb(?)” day comes. But I still like how she’s in that morally gray zone, almost like an antihero. We can’t trust her 100% because she is a bitch and that’s been established since Day 1, but she’ll have the protagonist’s back and has good intentions when giving them support (even if there is always the possibility she’ll abandon her allies if it means saving herself)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
maybe class rep is a yandere… trying to get rid of the competition. Or maybe she’s harboring resentment for some reason. Anyways, where is Komachi at? I hope we see a boss fight btwn prez and komachi

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