If some of you still butthurt over their dad making Senpai no contact with his family, let it be clear some shit here:
-Senpai is attending college like a proper adult;
-Senpai currently lives in an apartment, a good one too if what I've seen from many japanese media about apartment place;
-Both of these are most likely paid by his parents, especially his dad that runs a family dojo;
-some of you would probably say that Senpai was covering for himself by doing part time work. But, from what I and a lot of people seen, his part time job is more like an extra spending money because he still attend class properly and does his hobbies regularly (Like video game marathon and even sports activity). He was not doing part time job as if his live was one the line and he was actually enjoy doing part time job.
-He grew up to be a proper young adult, rather than a delinquent low life or even a depressing NEET.
-Oh yeah, the dad was still an asshole for blocking any contact of Senpai with his mother. But, he does it because he just wanted to be lovey dovey with his wife, not kicking senpai out of family/house. He put senpai in an a proper apartment. I've seen scummy parents that literally kick the child out of the family once they finished highschool or hit the age of 18.
Like for real, dude. The dad was an asshole, but atl least a responsible asshole.