Problem is that the others can just any assets they want and enslave others for any knowledge they have. There's no advantage to having unique goods if you can't properly secure them.
@kalton well this is alternate history after all, maybe the plot twist is that Vinland succeeds and becomes the american Switzerland. Always neutral, only interested in trade and business, and being filthy rich.
The concept of a state-owned monopoly on violence is pretty topical at the moment, what with american police rioting and assaulting/murdering people because of it. It's clearly a really dangerous idea...
Nice chapter. Thorfinns solution would be great but real world shows just how difficult that is. I still hope everything turns out great for the fictional Vinland.
@CrossingVoid So it's not just me with that problem.
Halfdan: "Do you undestand why i cant kill you?"
Thorfin: "Well"... (Because you are old and i could beat your ass bearhanded with both arms tied behind my back)
Halfdan: "Because the law"
Thorfin: "...Yeah, that"