Welcome Back, Alice - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - Liking

Jan 31, 2018
How long I this going to be? If anyone happens to maybe know something...
Double-page supporter
Sep 20, 2018
Since Yo is not confused enough ... the climax would be if after a few weeks he realizes he is heterosexual but Mitani reappears with a:
Yo! I'm a boy now, choose me!
Jan 18, 2018
That feeling of inescapable, existential dread that comes when you read an Oshimi Shuzo manga -- I'm feeling it!
Dex-chan lover
Aug 26, 2020
MC being indecisiveness combine with Kei acting all mysterious and manipulative will not only drag this story out but also create drama (objectively speaking, not negatively putting the story down). Honestly, if Kei stopped the whole mysterious BS shtick in this chapter and was just upfront that his pursing some sort of relationship that's more than friends with the MC to Mitani , over half the problems in this story would be solved. Instead you had Kei answer Mitani questions with a question while giving the whole "I'm a very mysterious person with mysterious answers" shtick without just being upfront and honest as Mitani is.

I appreciate Mitani quickly catching on that Kei is clearly playing around with MC and is pursing something with the MC and that she openly wanted to address this with Kei. But she failed in holding Kei's feet in the fire when she let Kei's give all those non-answers questions... She could have been even more direct be like "please be clear and stop answering my questions with questions" and "okay forget the "like question" just tell me how you feel about the MC and what your intentions are? ". Mitani just seemed so gullible coming out satisfied with a "sure" from Kei on dating the MC despite initially coming into the conversation being concerned about Kei intentions with the MC and wanting Kei true feelings and intentions with the MC.

There's no hope from either Kei and MC in clearing any misunderstanding or being upfront about their feeling and intentions in the next chapter where they all meet together (one's in indecisiveness/the other is insincere/manipulative) . I just wish that Mitani clearly states to the MC that she notices Kei is making moves on the MC and that she wants to date the MC but she doesn't feel comfortable Kei continues on making moves on MC and tries to get a verbal commitment from both Kei and the MC on that behavior stopping or being received.. If she can't get that from them, just walk away and let them jerk off each other. Instead were just probably going to get, Mitani-"hey Kei said "sure" so everything is awsome! and we can start dating and you totally won't be cheating on me!" despite all the other concerns...
Active member
Sep 30, 2018
Whew safe. I thought those two will do ecchi stuff and MC will see them
Dex-chan lover
Dec 23, 2019
this is kinda funny and pure so please please please dear author, dont turn this into some fucked up manga please!!!
Sep 14, 2020
Fuuuck man... kei told Mitani straight up to not monopolize Yo but he's probably going to go with her.. Hate it here. Maybe the author will throw us a curve ball, the way Mitani got upset whenever Kei went over towards Yo's house was priceless. She's definitely going to be a two-timing bitch.

Hopefully, Yo realize this..
Dex-chan lover
Mar 9, 2019
You saying "if you are attracted to a very androgynous person of the same gender, then you are gay." is BS, then how can anyone be gay? they can dating the same gender and just say "i only like him(whoever of their same gender) because his look/personality or what ever, not because I'm gay", if that excuse works the world don't even would have gay people at all.

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