Yande Kita Mahou Shoujo no Nichijou - Ch. 12 - A Certain Teacher's Story...

Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2019
The mental health thing is complex enough without the magical girl bullshit making everything worse. Remember, for her parents nothing is wrong because her mascot is keeping the illusion of everything being fine.
Um I think I saw this before but guys... She is not ill yet at this time. She might be feeling a bit not good
but is it mental ilness? Nah man, unless we assume the magical girls don't exist and in fact all magical girls are mentally ill.

What I think she has is most probably some other condition that is not ilness but still requires some attention.

Alright that's enough of positive contribution for now 🤪
Hopefully I'll see with next few chapters if I'm right or maybe even somebody else guessing what I think of.

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