Yuusha to Yobareta Nochi ni: Soshite Musou Otoko wa Kazoku wo Tsukuru - Ch. 36 - The Cause of Everything

Fed-Kun's army
May 31, 2024
I really like the fact that this story is not about the dragon empress seducing/turning the hero into a romantic partner. it's more about the family dynamics and it's very well done here. :glee:
Jan 21, 2018
I didn't expect the monster to be that giant Hydra from that battle with the sleazy snake dude. The skull-octopi were mildly creepy, I thought at first they were sea ghosts or something. That was resolved quickly.... and this also solves(?) their money woes.

So I'm guessing Merma and Idy's parents are still alive and that's why they're neither getting adopted nor becoming servants. But I can settle with "distant adopted cousins" for our two girls.

Based on how Eve wondered about Lloyd's past I'm assuming we'll deal with his backstory and she'll get to know about it soon. I hope this next long arc will be good.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
That recap by Loyd just reminds me of how rpg characters will gesture wildly in their games, when recounting the story to someone, especially the Mario RPG one where Mario shapeshifts as he tells his story.

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