Akuyaku Reijou no Tsuihougo! - Vol. 3 Ch. 15 - The Raspberry and the Hound Will Never Understand One Another!

Aggregator gang
Mar 21, 2018
The ironic part of this chapter was the "trigger warning" for attempted rape that is one big spoiler for it. The more ironic one was that there is also a murder or at least an attempted one (I assume that major character being a hero type survives it) in this chapter yet they couldn't be bothered to give a warning for that major violence.
Aug 8, 2018

Significantly more people are raped or has had an attempted rape happen to them.

Not a huge number of people have survived attempted murder and those that didn't survive wouldn't be reading this
Dex-chan lover
Apr 5, 2019
The attempted sexual assault is a bit more graphic and spans multiple pages rather than the one page that didn't really show anything other than an onomatopoeia.

It wasn't anything that bad, but it was a nice warning for people who didn't really expect a shouju fluffy romp manga to suddenly shift into a yandare that is trying to rape the main heroine.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2019
What's more, everyone dies. Everyone has to come to terms with the fact that they will die at some point. But not everyone is raped, and not everyone has to, or is able to, come to terms with being raped.
Aggregator gang
Mar 21, 2018
@hamster91 well I haven't been raped but I have had a gun intentionally pointed at me and had injuries as a result so I would say that the attempted murder in the chapter would hit home more to people like me. I'm not unsympathetic to rape victims (my wife suffered it and even dealing with it second hand could be trying) but when we start giving out warnings for strong emotional events that effectively destroy the plot of a chapter before you even begin reading it impacts any drama to a degree since you already know were its leading to.

@Squidco42 Actually we only see her being chased and cornered, the rest is implied as well. The "murder" events cover a number of pages as well. I would argue that if suggested rape is worth the effort of a warning for a "fluff" manga then attempted murder should be as well. Obvious from my comments I'm not a fan of any trigger warnings, its simply pandering to a particular set of weak minded individuals who can't differentiate reality from fiction at the price of ruining the plot details for the majority of us that can. If the attempt rape or attempt murder doesn't get your blood rushing then the author isn't doing a very good job because that is what "drama" is, warnings or not.

@icekatze No, people don't come to terms with eventual death, they simply don't focus on it in most daily normal life. Believe me, once you are faced with yours or a close persons potential of immediate death it changes your perspective at that time. No more than you wake up thinking "today I could be raped" do we wake up think "I could die today" (unless you are living with a terminal illness like cancer). Believe me in my personal experience whether it by gun, illness. or other, you do move on.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2019
As it turns out, when I was a teenager, I also had a gun pointed at me. Your rhetoric in particular, does not support your conclusion, as you seem to have come to terms with it.
Aggregator gang
Mar 21, 2018
@icekatze and you came to terms as well since you seem to have no need of "trigger warnings" for attempted murder. Your rhetoric supports my contention that most do come to terms with incidents in their life without the necessity of ruining other peoples reading experience through spoiler warnings.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2019
My assertion was, and still is, that murder and rape are treated differently by people and society. The social support systems are different. The things that trigger the amygdala in each case tend to also be different. I can tell that this conversation isn't going to go anywhere productive, but you won't convince me to blame the victims of PTSD for being weak minded. Not without some truly extraordinary empirical evidence.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
"murder and rape are treated differently by people and society"
Because society see rape as something that mostly women go trough and it is a fact that women are weak minded and solipsistic, which leads to treating "rape" (even though mostly it is not) as being worse than literally killing someone.

It is stupid but what can you do when over half of the population are self centered children that think themselves to be adults.
Dec 18, 2019
I’ll join you.
And wow, looking at these comments, I think some of these people need to be in a mental institution or kept away from society.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2019
When someone turned their hunting rifle at me because they thought it would be a funny prank to scare me into thinking I was about to die, certainly nobody told me it was my own fault for dressing the way I did and asking for it.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2018
Wow, I've just realized how nice the block user function button is. I really don't like going on the internet and being triggered by people's random hate speeches. This thread is so toxic.
Active member
Jan 17, 2020
Murder is crime against one's life. Rape is a crime against one's dignity. No matter how you try to put it, both are very severe human right infringement that should be weigh as heavily as the other.

That being said, it's obvious that she will be saved at the last moment, it's not "that" kind of manga.

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