I feel like his reasonings for them is shit except for one.
Suzu's "I can't leave her alone" might sound sweet but considering most Suzu chapters revolves around him being a guardian while she's ghost hunting.
Kotone being everyone's idol is a cop out answer or that he's remembering her fanclub in the school.
Nodoka being a blessing is probably for the whole "happy accidents" they have as a club.
Chiaki's description felt like it was out of the club and depicts her more as the big sister she's been seen at times.
that's how I interpret it but man, I don't like Chiaki. 🤣🤣🤣 why can't we just have Tanaka?
but if this dude gets his chapter, Tanaka should get one as well before it ends. I don't know if days has only passed since the confession but one weekend at the coffeeshop please with Tanaka waitressing.