So not the burning, drowning, exsanguination, flaying alive, clearly the rape by goblin was the most horrifying.
Eh I mean given it was the first and the significance of it, I think it’s likely up there. Her mind hadn’t been as broken before that so it likely set the tone for the rest.
She did try to escape half way through the things so I suppose she was still semi— “alive” mentally after it, but I think doing that likely broke a large part of her.
Given how things look in this chapter, I think as things went on and as she broke more it likely became less— “bad” to her as she had already lost herself and was likely just in endless pain and already mostly mentally dead, so it’s hard to know when that point was for sure hit. (Not to say she’s fine with it now ofc, but I don’t know if she’s able to really process much currently to even think anything towards anything by this point)
But I don’t really think it’s right to say any of them were more or less bad then anything else given that I’m sure all were horrible in their own right and it’s kinda impossible to know where her mind was at at each point.
I guess report back how you feel if you get raped by a goblin so we can collect more data.