Do Chokkyuu Kareshi x Kanojo - Vol. 5 Ch. 27 - Even if the Summer Showers split us

Apr 1, 2020
Source for the picture anyone? I've seen someone asking about it already, but his 'n' hers majesty declined to answer:

Mar 5, 2020
Waaait a minute, this is like a 180 degree turn from the last chapter: the only issue was learning about each other's sexual desires and preferences so that they could please each other in the sack. Where is this spontaneous drama crap coming from? How many times is Mako going to fly off the handle over the stupidest of misunderstandings? After everything they've gone through, how can she possibly think that Shinichi has anything but the best regards for her? Why is this dumbass friend of Shinichi's offering Shinichi a porn mag when Shinichi is already having sex in the real with Mako? And let's be real, porn magazines, in this age, when porn is all over the digital world; is this the 1990s?

I feel that the author is setting us up for a climactic reversal for the couple's anniversary, but he needs to do a waaaay better job with the methodology; the forced tension cliché is cringe level writing skill.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
She not actually enjoy the sex but put it up to pleased him. It fit to the question here in the magazine. Recheck your relationship because kid can be clueless, that why such a test exist, and because the situation do happen a lot, irl too, so such test is a thing.
And look at their own, isn't fit so well. That what she think, she telling herself that he not like that. But again that pretty much all they did. So it raise the question, if it just all sex all, that what in her all he need ? everything here is not come out of nowhere just by the last chapter, it start built up in this chapter it self. So nah, it sound quite right.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2018
Suzuki or whatever Shinichi's friend's name is always keeps fucking things up for them. I think this is like the 2nd time it's happened?
Mar 5, 2020
@Tcof: This idea was already explored in the chapter 26. This is the reason the couple was "taking a break". The magazine article is supposed to act as a catalyst for this premise, but it would only make sense if Shinichi hadn't earnestly been trying to understand and adapt to Mako's desires. The way it's presented, it's like Mako doesn't recognize any of the positive things Shinichi has done for her, for their relationship, and is fixated only on a singular idea that somehow Shinichi--who had already agreed to give Mako time to consider things and not press her for sex, is only using her for sex. The reveal of the porn magazine was bad timing, but to flip out that much, like there's no love between them at all, is just ridiculous. Do you see how her whole reaction doesn't make sense, especially in relation to the previous chapter?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
@DevLogger I mean, the reason test is even a thing is because it exist, like quite a lot, irl. Which mean there are quite a lot girl IN REAL LIFE can't tell that they are just for sex or real love. So...
And why ? is that just because they are all fucking dump ?
NO, i mean yes there are dump af girl out there, But, You should know that in reality, it not always about the shoujo protagonist just breath and girls fall all over them. Boy do a lot just for sex, and you may don't believe in their patience for such a goal. That why girl even believe in them in the first place. Most girls actually in the same her position have a good impression of their boyfriend

She was telling herself and want to believe "he is not like that", that is the struggle in her part. And then when you look back you see "it so funny, our relationship fit so much in this toxic abuse relationship". That is what girls keep falling for a toxic relationship too telling them self.
Mar 5, 2020
@Tcof: In most other situations, I would agree with you considering the matter, a matter that comes from a place of uncertainty in their relationship. However, uncertainty of this kind has not existed between them, and in fact Mako has been so happy at Shinichi's continued reinforcement of love. This entire story revolves around a couple whose whole theme is being direct and blunt about their feelings. This is constantly shown from Shinichi's POV, and this is one of the main things that Mako (and others) likes about him. So, the idea that he would not be honest about his feelings and motivations should never be something for her to worry about. Has Shinichi ever said something like 'Mako is just a plaything' to anyone? Ultimately, this is a situation where if such uncertainty exists in Mako's mind, it should have been shown prior, not all of a sudden, and not to the Nth degree. The author is being lazy in developing true conflicts.

Mako needs to learn about the Barnum effect, lol.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
"This entire story revolves around a couple whose whole theme is being direct and blunt about their feelings." Well, this just run to one of my old point, she also try to telling herself that. "Of course not, he is not like that".
In the end, we are just human. Irl too, our logic ain't always make the right call. And there are much more dump logic girls make irl,
Is this a peak of fiction ? no. But as my point, it make sense in some degree. It have build up to lead for this.
Mar 5, 2020
Tcof: *raises an eyebrow* Perhaps I've lost sight of your original point, but those pictures only serve to confirm my original statement: Given that Mako has come to understand how Shinichi thinks and feels, why would she automatically assume the worst over something that has had no actual occurrence in their relationship thusfar? It seems that you are defending her reaction with the idea akin to 'girls make dumb logical decisions in irl too', but this is a lazy, lazy position for the author to have her character take; the only purpose is to insert baseless conflict and drag progress. I believe the author may have fallen into a trap: couldn't think of a reasonable way for these two personality types to come into this kind of conflict, so an artificial premise (What if Shinichi only wants me for sex?!) is inserted to inflate it. I haven't read beyond this chapter to think otherwise, so if you are drawing upon later information, please let me know.
Jan 5, 2020
I don’t know if I’m an idiot or what but I honestly don’t get her angle didn’t shinichi initially tell her he wouldn’t date her because he couldn’t because he wasn’t in love with her and also said that even tho he thinks she’s hot or whatever he still wouldn’t?
Jun 4, 2020
I love how this whole chapter is a for showing us how much Shinchi really cares about Mako. From reading books to working in his free time, he's always doing something for Mako, which just goes to show that while he may be idiot sometimes, he really does care about those dear to him
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2019
Really getting tired of the annoying perverted friend trope, but I'm glad he's really showing his love even more now
Jun 28, 2019
It's refreshing that the author is bringing up an issue prevalent in a lot of couples: where the sexual dynamic feels tilted in favor of one partner more than the other. Shinichi was very much into sex/physically satisfied but Mako wasn't (she never orgasmed during intercourse). After while, that spins out into a feeling of "we keep having lots of sex, but if I'm not getting pleasure from this, is he just using me for my body?" And then that sex toy comment oooph.

But they're both A+ communicators coupled with fantastic drive to do their best so I've got faith this is going to resolve in a healthy way

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