Honestly, I wouldn't want to be friends with someone who's flirting or trying to romance someone else's fiancee/boyfriend (The Prince aka Katarinas's fiancee). But then again, if the Prince is so easily manipulated (like in Chapter 4) then I don't want him to end up with Katarina... poor Kat, she deserves someone better, tbh.
Also, I want to see more Lizzie/Kat

( and Bern MVP, first love interest in a shoujo manga that (so far) 1) isn't manipulated and is actually smart/clever? 2) shows how much he cares for MC and 3) don't bully/insult/is rude to her (again, so far...). Let's hope he continues that way.
Oh! Another thing. The manga is going SO fast, it's almost like it's rushing things. I liked the pace of the novel better (although I haven't finished it yet). In the novel, they actually took their time in each scene, but in here each scene lasts like one panel box and then quickly goes to the next scene and the next one happens a second later and so on and so on. But omg stop, take a breath, why are you rushing things so much???