I Shaved. Then I Brought a High School Girl Home. - Vol. 4 Ch. 17

Aggregator gang
Jun 4, 2018
plot twist: while he was away, gotou murdered sayu and is now dumping her body into a dumpster
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Hold on, that "I'm inviting the girl I like home so I should kick out the freeloader" thing is wrong in the first place because Gotou explicitly said she's coming to his house to see Sayu right?
So all this complaint is just a jealous conjecture from the Kouhai.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Yes, too much love will kill you
It'll make your life a lie
Yes, too much love will kill you
And you won't understand why
You'd give your life, you'd sell your soul
But here it comes again
Too much love will kill you
In the end
In the end
Damn it, I love all these characters...


Jun 10, 2018
In what universe do you kick out someone you share your home with just because you brought a girl home? It doesn't matter one bit why that person is in your home as long as it's happening with your consent. Yeah, introducing that person to your (soon-to-be) girlfriend might be awkward - too bad for you, that's just how your current circumstances are. You agreed to this situation - now deal with it.

MC decided to let Sayu stay with him for the time being. Sure, this is not a long-term solution. Yes, it'd probably be a good idea to find out exactly what happened to her at home. But dear kouhai, let's not be idiots, alright?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 3, 2019
It would be funnier if on some chapter later, another FMC just came out of nowhere and just makes everyone explode
Active member
Apr 24, 2018
i hope the author turns this around and has mc looks at sayu not as a partner but as a sister, i get the kohai meant well but her reasoning was weak ex say he did lie about sayu and he started going out with gotou and say gotou found out that type of lie is a lie where she would break up with him and worse call the cops, but kohai if your that worried instead of saying the mc should kick/hide her why not collaborate with him on how he should help the girl
Dex-chan lover
May 31, 2018
@Richman Not really, because she's basically steering him towards to Gotou, not herself, and does bring up valid points regarding to the whole situation.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 24, 2018
Both the senpai and kouhai bring up reasonable points but the problem is that it doesn't come from their willingness to help the two MCs they just want to separate them. The senpai is jealous, hypocritical and spiteful while the kouhai is jealous, manipulative and spiteful. These woman are the worse.
Sep 13, 2019
Trash Kouhai, imagine throwing a vulnerable minor out onto the streets when you don't have to just so you can have an empty home to plow your GF. Have these people (or the author) never heard of compromise? Feels very forced.
Jan 30, 2018
While this manga is fine, i feel like it's overhyped atm.

None of characters feel like they got anything to say really. One is jealous, one is hypocritical and one is going too much with the flow and not thinking for himself, or afraid to do so.
I feel like Sayu is the only one even with a bit of aim weirdly enough.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
I would say the Kouhai makes a very good point this chapter. The MC seems to forgotten that a minor is staying in his home ILLEGALLY. He should be taking steps to make her independent or prepare for her departure, but he’s just becoming more used to her in his life, and he NEEDS to realize that, that isn’t normal. He’s just trying to be kind, but he’s setting himself up for failure, and the higher he flies the more he’s going to get burnt. The question is where the characters go from here now that both sides have been forced to realize how strange their current situation is. I’d like some plot progression from here, but I don’t really see how this could end “happily ever after”. I do feel like the characters need to do something other than maintaining the current situation now though.

@Dudeguy1984 I mean generally you don’t keep a minor with no relation to you in your house. Normally you’d call the police after a day or two. What she’s trying to get the MC to realize (and the author through her) is that he isn’t acting normal and this situation is far from sane, and I have to agree. I don’t know about you, but if I was living with a defenseless minor of the opposite sex, I would 200% NOT tell my current love interest that I finally got to come over. He doesn’t have to kick her out, but a normal person would at least hide or or tell her to make herself scarce for a few hours (even single parents do that much). At the very least a normal person would make up a lie about her being a relative. He didn’t know what she would think of the situation and “pedophile” or “criminal” are not words you’d risk your love interest associating with you. The MC is definitely not the normal one in this situation and that needed to be told to him. Illegally living with a high school girl you don’t know isn’t exactly the type of situation you “compromise”. It’s not even like it was “sex with girl I like” vs “minor’s safety”; it was “girl I like seeing me as scum and calling the cops” vs “living illegally with a minor”.


Active member
Jan 16, 2019
Maybe I watched way too many japanese drama that I can't hate Gotou and Kouhai. Both makes a good point.
Aggregator gang
Dec 21, 2018
I don't envy the dilemma the MC is in. None of the girls here are "wrong", but basically he's in a situation where he wants to have everything but just realized he can't have it all.
Active member
Nov 12, 2018
This is straight up bullshit opinion.
First off, the only reason Gotou is at his place: Goutou's wanting to talk to Sayu, not to get laid,the fact that the MMC just forgot to bring it up is weird, that's the first logical thing to do, if I was him I'd really want to clarify that.
Second. She says "It's normal", like wtf is "normal" in the first place? Ofc you don't normally bring stray people to your house cuz normally they don't get lost or run away from their houses, hence this is not a normal situation to begin with, why would you even approach it as if it was "normal", straight up stupidity.
Third. There was this true story about a homeless black guy that was adopted by a white faimly in America, it even had a film adaptation called "The Blind side", go watch it, it's a good film. Their reasoning for taking him into their family was "it's right to help people in need, that is what any christian would/should do", totally agree with that one.
Fourth. She doesn't even consider Sayu's opinion, like at all, as if she's just a nuisance, a bother to everyone, which is not fucking true at all.
The MMC might not be the most powerful person in the story, rather it's the exact opposite, but he's still trying to help her out. You know what's that called? Being a human, for crying out loud.
Also Gotou doesn't seem to be concerned about Sayu either, she's just trying to get rid of her, or so it seems so far. It's as if everyone doesn't give a fuck about her. May be the only people who do are the MMC and the co-worker girl.
Naturally, I agree, you wouldn't help a girl in Sayu's situation like that, but that's irrelevant as she's technically an adult, it's only up to her what to do with her life, same goes for the mmc, he chose to help her, but everyone's disregarding his resolve as if he's just an idiot, the only argument they bring up is that she's "a minor" and "you might develop feelings for her or vice versa", both are pretty stupid as the first one isn't true and the second one being their problem pnly, and no one but they has a vote in that case.
Idk, it's all going down the shitter route, it's sad to watch it become a cheap drama.
I hope I'm wrong about that, really.

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