Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 20 Ch. 149 - Your voice is kinda shrieky, Senpai

Dex-chan lover
May 18, 2023
It’s wild how many people in the comments are comparing seeing someone nude in a professional setting to cheating. You can really get a sense of who’s actually been in something resembling a healthy relationship (or just majors in art, apparently).
It's not necessarily about the nude sketch itself, it's more of the lying and the sneaking about. I'd say the amount of people in here saying that catching your partner being dishonest is actually equal or worse to them being dishonest is even more of an indicator of who's actually been in a healthy relationship.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
I'm curious about the "you" at the end. I assume that Naoto addressed Nagatoro with お前 and she picked up on that, which harkens back to early on in the manga (chapter 3, p. 5). Then, it was clear he was trying to push back against Nagatoro's teasing at the time, trying to assert himself.

This is interesting (I've actively noticed this writing technique in another manga, though I'm sure it's not uncommon): their usual dynamic, and its history, is being recontextualized in the context of them being in an intimate relationship. Earlier in their relationship, Nagatoro invading Naoto's privacy would ironically have been a minor deal because she insisted on being around him; on his end, not only did he lack the mental fortitude to push her away, but he also wanted her around, and so he tolerated her antics (he still resisted, but without coming close to cutting her off).

Also earlier in their relationship, Naoto concealing this kind of truth would have been a minor deal: not only were they not dating and who he was involved with wouldn't necessarily be her business, but Nagatoro would have been more aware that she was being invasive (and doing something wrong), because that was part of her being a nuisance, and her being a nuisance was both sword and shield: to simultaneously protect herself emotionally and establish a place in the life of someone she took interest in. Even some time before they started going out properly, when she was letting her guard down and their dynamic became their "normal", she may have forgotten that-- she may have never even realized that was exactly what was going on.

I can't at all begrudge anyone for getting hung up on the lack of openness and even trying to figure out how to apportion blame, but there's something more foundational at hand, and I'm expecting for that to be explored alongside-- if not more than-- "who's most in the wrong" (certainly, these two won't be putting stock in that calculus).

Authors and editors think that without drama the sales will tank saldy.
I don't think they're wrong, especially if we're dealing with a story that's no stranger to conflict.

I've become increasingly certain that consumers don't have a complete awareness of what they continue to give attention to. Obviously, people give positive reactions to what they like. There are also people who gaslight themselves into believing they like a certain work or writing sequence despite having no such intrinsic interest, because they want to fit in or peacock about how "mature" and "cool" they are.

And, most pertinently, there are people who do something like the inverse of that, where they rag incessantly about something they willingly continue to consume, for the same reasons.


It's not necessarily about the nude sketch itself, it's more of the lying and the sneaking about.
Nagatoro knew (or should have known) this was coming, since she was present when the bet was made.

Not only that, but Nagatoro did this while Naoto wasn't watching, specifically after he was occupied and couldn't see her. She snuck around, herself.
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Dex-chan lover
Nov 17, 2018
There's no "most in the wrong" here. They both done screwed up. Naoto does need to step up and fess up ASAP because a) he caused the situation to spin unnecessarily out of control and b) he's the dude. More or less.
"There's no 'most in the wrong' here."
"Naoto needs to step up ASAP because ... b) he's the dude."
So, in direct contradiction to what your post lead with, you think Naoto is most in the wrong, because he's the dude in the relationship.

And I've already addressed the whole Paisen being wibbly bit; if it followed the usual trend he would have opened up about it once he was no longer flustered and on the spot; it's just how he is.

EDIT: typo.
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
So, in direct contradiction to what your post lead with, you think Naoto is most in the wrong, because he's the dude in the relationship.
He's saying that Naoto has to apologize because (in part) he's the dude in the relationship, regardless of how wrong he actually is. That is, the apology isn't about who's at most fault to begin with.
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
Which is complete bullshit really, also really sexist.
It's the second reason he gave for why he should apologize, the first being that he had a part in this situation going out of control.

I'm also failing to see how the assertion is prejudicial or discriminatory.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
It's the second reason he gave for why he should apologize, the first being that he had a part in this situation going out of control.

I'm also failing to see how the assertion is prejudicial or discriminatory.
It's discriminatory because it puts more burden on him simply because he's the "man" in the relationship, which is stupid, he was wrong for lying and should apologize, but she was more wrong for messing with his stuff without permission and should apologize too.
Both need to apologize, but she's absolutely more in the wrong here.
Their sex is completely irrelevant to the issue.
Dex-chan lover
May 18, 2023
I'm curious about the "you" at the end. I assume that Naoto addressed Nagatoro with お前 and she picked up on that, which harkens back to early on in the manga (chapter 3, p. 5). Then, it was clear he was trying to push back against Nagatoro's teasing at the time, trying to assert himself.

This is interesting (I've actively noticed this writing technique in another manga, though I'm sure it's not uncommon): their usual dynamic, and its history, is being recontextualized in the context of them being in an intimate relationship. Earlier in their relationship, Nagatoro invading Naoto's privacy would ironically have been a minor deal because she insisted on being around him; on his end, not only did he lack the mental fortitude to push her away, but he also wanted her around, and so he tolerated her antics (he still resisted, but without coming close to cutting her off).

Also earlier in their relationship, Naoto concealing this kind of truth would have been a minor deal: not only were they not dating and who he was involved with wouldn't necessarily be his business, but Nagatoro would have been more aware that she was being invasive (and doing something wrong), because that was part of her being a nuisance, and her being a nuisance was both sword and shield: to simultaneously protect herself emotionally and establish a place in the life of someone she took interest in. Even some time before they started going out properly, when she was letting her guard down and their dynamic became their "normal", she may have forgotten that-- she may have never even realized that was exactly what was going on.

I can't at all begrudge anyone for getting hung up on the lack of openness and even trying to figure out how to apportion blame, but there's something more foundational at hand, and I'm expecting for that to be explored alongside-- if not more than-- "who's most in the wrong" (certainly, these two won't be putting stock in that calculus).

I don't think they're wrong, especially if we're dealing with a story that's no stranger to conflict.

I've become increasingly certain that consumers don't have a complete awareness of what they continue to give attention to. Obviously, people give positive reactions to what they like. There are also people who gaslight themselves into believing they like a certain work or writing sequence despite having no such intrinsic interest, because they want to fit in or peacock about how "mature" and "cool" they are.

And, most pertinently, there are people who do something like the inverse of that, where they rag incessantly about something they willingly continue to consume, for the same reasons.


Nagatoro knew (or should have known) this was coming, since she was present when the bet was made.

Not only that, but Nagatoro did this while Naoto wasn't watching, specifically after he was occupied and couldn't see her. She snuck around, herself.
In the original Japanese he doesn't say お前, he actually doesn't use any direct subject in the sentence. He stumbles as he says 「勝手に見るのはどうかと。。。」which is more like "I'm not quite sure (how to feel) about you looking at it on your own..." which makes it a pretty weaksauce assertation at best.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2023
this time senpai screwed up...

Nagatoro seems more jelous than mad that he lied, but still..... I cant defend senpai here..... She even already knew about the bet geez....
Of all the mistakes to make as you're starting off a Relationship 👏🏾YOU👏🏾FOUGHT👏🏾FOR👏🏾, hoo boy...

He panicked the day before, and rather than be honest, he lied by omission. Disappointed...
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
It's discriminatory because it puts more burden on him simply because he's the "man" in the relationship
It's not simply because he's the man in the relationship, though-- it's firstly because he's the one that caused the situation to spiral out of control to begin with by concealing what he did (even though what he was concealing wasn't a wrongdoing). Even if you're sure "because he's the guy" is a bad justification, don't throw out everything prior to that.

I agree with the notion that they're both at fault, and there's no point in trying to figure out who's "most at fault"-- there isn't even any way to meaningfully calculate that, when neither of their actions reach the level of "divorce fault".
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
It's not simply because he's the man in the relationship, though-- it's firstly because he's the one that caused the situation to spiral out of control to begin with by concealing what he did (even though what he was concealing wasn't a wrongdoing). Even if you're sure "because he's the guy" is a bad justification, don't throw out everything prior to that.

I agree with the notion that they're both at fault, and there's no point in trying to figure out who's "most at fault"-- there isn't even any way to meaningfully calculate that, when neither of their actions reach the level of "divorce fault".
I never said it was just because he's the man, just pointing out that this logic is utter bullshit, I didn't throw everything out.

Also, yeah he started the situation, I don't deny that, but reminder that now they're in a relationship, before it was friendly teasing between friends/crushes, but now they're officially a couple, they need to be  equal and need to have boundaries, him lying doesn't make her ignoring his boundaries less bad.

I'm not trying to saying who's most at "fault" here, because both are in the wrong, but she ignoring his boundaries  is worse than his lie, you don't get to invade other people boundaries and privacy when it's convenient.
Like I said in previous post, try that in real life to see how well it goes, without boundaries no relationship works.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
I never said it was just because he's the man, just pointing out that this logic is utter bullshit, I didn't throw everything out.
You didn't acknowledge his first reason at all, even though you quoted me alluding to it.

I'm not trying to saying who's most at "fault" here, because both are in the wrong, but she ignoring his boundaries  is worse than his lie,
You're doing exactly that-- in the same sentence, no less. That was what the guy I was originally responding to was doing, too. You're trying to quantify blame. In fact, most commenters here are trying to quantify blame.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
You didn't acknowledge his first reason at all, even though you quoted me alluding to it.
Yeah I should have removed the other part, since was mostly arguing against the logic that he's the "man".

You're doing exactly that-- in the same sentence, no less. That was what the guy I was originally responding to was doing, too. You're trying to quantify blame-- most commenters here are trying to quantify blame, for that matter.
No, both are at fault for the situation, he shouldn't have lied and she shouldn't have messed with his stuff.
The same way he could have been honest about it, she could have not messed with his stuff after he lied.
So again, both are at fault for the situation.

But fact is he lying because he's embarrassed is nowhere as bad as she messing with his stuff, you simply can't have a long term relationship without boundaries.
Also, reminder that Nagatoro is  not entitled to knowing what he drew, he could have simply avoided the issue altogether, and he probably would have come clean about his lie anyway after the embarrassment went away.
Now that they're in a relationship Nagatoro needs to change her attitude since boundaries are important, and Naoto needs to be less of a wimp and communicate more too, both need to learn and change.

A little life lesson for the people here, your lover messing with your stuff without your permission is not healthy behavior, neither is it sustainable in the long run, worst case scenario the person is controlling and abusive, sure we know Nagatoro is not like that, but that doesn't make it okay.
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
But fact is he lying because he's embarrassed is nowhere as bad as she messing with his stuff, you simply can't have a long term relationship without boundaries.
You also can't have a relationship built on lies. Nagatoro also had to have known that he'd have to do this-- she was in the room when the bet and its conditions were made-- so there's even less reason to have lied, since he'd be at most reminding her of something.

Also, reminder that Nagatoro is  not entitled to knowing what he drew
Nagatoro is entitled to not being lied to, though. The both of them are.
May 5, 2020
Yass breakup time! Switch to booba girl. At least with her their kids won't go hungry.
Here's a biology lesson, the size of a woman's boobs doesn't really matter in the perspective of feeding a baby.
Also, men have the necessary hardware to lactate, just not normally the hormones to do so.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 18, 2020
Every time I see some reference to nude drawing I remember of that tweet (or tumblr post?) of someone saying no one is horny and what is happening is someone crying silently because he can't get the boob right
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
You also can't have a relationship built on lies. Nagatoro also had to have known that he'd have to do this-- she was in the room when the bet and its conditions were made-- so there's even less reason to have lied, since he'd be at most reminding her of something.
Yeah, you can't, he fucked up there's no denying that, he lied because he panicked since the entire situation is embarrassing for him, we can see how he has mixed feelings about the drawing and showing it to Nagatoro, but he would showed it to her when he felt comfortable.
People make stupid decisions when they're embarrassing, so Nagatoro knowing about the bet doesn't mean much for this situation.
Nagatoro is entitled to not being lied to, though. The both of them are.
Yeah, I dont deny that, same way both are entitled to boundaries.
Reminder that the entire series Nagatoro had issues with Naoto boundaries, it just happens that over time it got less bad, but that was there from the beginning, we never cared much because we know it was just teasing and that their feelings are mutual, but a situation like this might have happened sooner or later.

Also, Nagatoro is not entitled to being lied, but we can see he lied out of panic when she asked about it, it's not out of malice, so it's not like he's now gonna lie the entire relationship, Nagatoro could have questioned it further to make he tell the truth, instead she went behind his back and looked at his stuff, it's not out of malice but she still chose to do it instead of being in the spur of the moment like him.

The facts are simple, he panicked and lied, then she looked at his stuff, one bad action doesn't justify another, both are at fault, but one is still worse than the other since she could have pressed the issue instead of invading his privacy.

I'm pretty sure next chapter will show both are wrong, only question is if mangaka will show one as being more wrong than the other, I suspect that not, personally I feel what she did is worse, but realistic speaking they'll just admit both are wrong, apologize, learn from it and move on.

I guess my issue is more with people acting as if what Naoto did was worse, with some even acting as if he somehow cheated on her :thonk:
Sorry the rant @Eighty-six
Dex-chan lover
Mar 18, 2020
Naoto being embarrassed is less about nude drawing (it's not his first time, and his art senpai is a nudist, it's not like he has 0 experience with naked people to the point his brain not computing) and more about the situation he is in, he is in a couple now yet a girl he knows is naked before him, he can't help but think of Hayase. I think he is not sure if this is okay in couple. So he doesn't mention it in sms/line. And when confronted by Nagatoro next day, he tried to hide the whole thing.

Naoto is nervous about it and Hayase picks on it. He said it was a normal drawing, no, it wasn't. It is nude art, it is normal in art, but in this specific circumstance, them being a couple, it isn't a normal occurrence, which is why Naoto wants to hide it in the first place (for now). And so Nagotoro goes to check what the drawing was about. Here people this is some invasion of privacy, I'd say Hayase could always see MC's stuff, like in the start she saw his drawing that slipped out. Later in the story she saw the book where she was drawn as catgirl IIRC. And she tags along whenever her senpai does his art stuff. To me there is a tacit agreement that Hayase could see his stuff, as long as related to his art at least. But now, she finds a naked drawing of a girl they know and he tried to hide it. Now, she knows better, she knows he is awkward, so it's the usual paisen fumbling, plus she noticed he put lots of detail in the drawing, there's nothing perverted about it, it is just the usual paisen doing his best at his art. But he lied. And all he does is protesting his privacy being invaded, something that was open to her prior to being a couple is now apparently close. I think from her perspective, this whole thing stings.

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