Iron Ladies - Ch. 197 - Wouldn’t It Be Nice If You Surrender Reasonably?

Group Leader
Mar 4, 2018
WOWW~ I wasn't expecting this chapter~
Thank you very much Allen~
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2018
Now those 3 idiot great leaders will be new painting for Mu Siyun puppets. They didnt aware the amount of power his puppet exceeded all those he fights. Even Immortal Cloud Planet simply forced to kneel down by him due his lowest power easily annihilate that planet but he wont becausr those resources are too valuable.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2019
Thanks for the translation!
Ten to one the puppet or antivirus already hacked the big ship's computer so either the cannons shots will dissipate before hitting anything or completely miss or hit the Anti-Dragon Fleet's ships. That's assuming 3 legged Crow or the battle puppet are the target and not the idiot twins' ship. Frankly wouldn't surprise me if the twins were the target for sheer incompetence and failing their mission. Looking forward to seeing what Mu's got up his sleeve.
Btw, while Ditu's fleet is made up of Holy Race tech is there enough Holy Race tech in the giant ship to keep the planet from trying to eat it too? After all it's a really big morsel if not. Also, when the puppet set off with the chief officer he said he'd be going in advance. That indicates they're not the only ones going so who or what is going to show up? Can't be Dragon Empress since she's guarding Murat and seems to be saving energy by taking a nap. Wonder how long Daxia will take to respond or if Mu already expected the big ship to show and is just waiting for permission before he and Immortal Empress' fleets take a black hole over to the living planet too.
Feb 23, 2019
Cliffhanger. Maybe allen could delay the release of translated chapter and release it together with the next chapter XD Anyway Thanks Allen!
Sep 29, 2018
so in the recent drama of 3 kingdom, zhuge liang can use words magic?
Double-page supporter
Apr 16, 2018
I approve of the more dramatic version of events if only because a dude talking someone to death is funny to me.
Dec 3, 2018
We see it a lot on Comics, and light Novels, the phrase "He was so angry he/ she/they could spit blood." Makes more sense now putting it into perspective.
Jan 2, 2019
🤣 I really love how the chinese always use "vomit blood" and die or nearly die from it. It's basically a face-slap to death
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
Oh, good, a casus belli. Now Daxia won't complain if Mu paints all those guys.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 29, 2018
For me, one of the biggest attractions in this series is watching the MC figure out news ways to give his enemies just enough rope to hang themselves with.

Another good chapter. Thanks Allen.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 2, 2018
oh boy where to start. Now I know villains have been stupid in this, but this takes the cake. if they wanted 3 Legged Crow to join them, THEY SHOULD NEVER of sent them to die, they should of enticed them to join them months ago as their sponsor, when the Dragon Slayer alliance founded. HOW CAN they expect 3 legged crow to join now, after being shot up by Dragon Slayer Alliance. The idiocy of this is just amazing. Amazingly bad. "edit" I realize after posting this, they still needed someone to get that seed for them, so maybe that was part of the plan. But they still shouldnt of shot them up before enticing them with security.

I've been saying since the Dragon Slayer alliance appeared, theres going to be a Daxia vs Dragon slayer war. I mean it wasnt that hard to tell, Beiyang wasnt the only target. Which is why the last few chapters I been calling out the 3 Legged Crows as being bloody stupid and it adds to their poor leadership. It was clearly a trap to widdle down Daxia fleet strength. Ditsu being the leader of Dragon Slayer Alliance was the obvious point. And yet those idiots, and idiot admiral kept refusing assistance from Beiyang. I made a comment a few chapters ago about it.

Ever since the Dragon Slayer Alliance was formed (and were still alive after their defeat to Beiyang). I truly expected (and predicted) that 3 Legged Crows would leave Daxia and defected to Dragon Slayer. As them being a scheming type fleet, they should of been enticed and switched side cause their distain and willingness to bring beiyang down. I was expecting a Dragon Slayer Alliance + 3 Legged Crows vs Daxia Alliance (Beyiang and Kunlun) war to unfold. But I guess due to Dragon Slayer Alliance incompetance, They've instead buried 3 legged crows into the ground. They are a wreck of a fleet right now. While still achieving the goal of lowering Daxias fleet power, the missed the opportunity of transferring that fleet power from Daxia to themselves. it was theirs for the taking.

I guess, at the end of the day.. the Author wanted to show us how incompetent 3 Legged Crows and Dragon Slayer Alliance were, and he did that good. 3 Legged Crows are pretty much crippled for the upcoming war. If not getting wiped right here, at this cliffhanger.

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