Man thats the dumbest trope, specially when its applied to characters that are supposed to be smart. "Do it in half the time" no motherfucker thats not how it works.
Actually, it kinda does.
I can only talk from the programing side and government contracts but I assume it extends to everything.
you are given 3 months for a project, everyone around you tells you to take your time and just relax and do it, but the new hotshot decided they have no idea what they are talking about, they they don't want him showing them up, so he gets the project done in 2 weeks (note this isn't ballbusting work every waking hour work, this is normal 9-5) and submits it. he is congratulated, and has no work or pay for the next 2 and a half months, no bonus, just got completely screwed over because he finished ahead of schedule and there is no task for him to do till the next contract period.
in the games industry a veteran from the 90's asks a newbie to make a quick ai mockup to get things moving around, and is told it will take 3 weeks to maybe work, the veteran after trying to get this person to do it, does it himself (not his job but its a quick plug variable a into b) in an afternoon so he can get on to mocking up areas... the next day the newbie filed an hr complaint for harassment or something along those lines, and the vet had to be sat down and told how the industry works now (they were out of big studios for a while, they were returning to it after the smaller projects they were working on lost funding) and how you cant expect people to work that fast or some shit.
look at twitter and how before elon took over you had how many developers that showed off how they work 10 minutes a day and the rest is talking to friends and starbucks.
i'm not going to pretend that some things actually do take time and there is no doing it faster, but my god the amount of dicking around and padding time that happens in modern workforces is stupid. I have a friend who works as a machinist, he will get a project that may take 2 weeks of him constantly working on it, but it could be parted out to multiple people and machines if the buyer wants to expedite it, or that 2 week could become 2 months if the bureaucracy gets involved (he does some high end work that needs many people inspecting and signing off at all stages), there is a hell of alot of fat that can be cut to reduce time, along with working in parallel that can speed it up as well.