MayhemTrinket yeah I said as much, the (cont) is because author thinks its a single chapter but releases as two anyway. The thing that confuse me is what "part 2" is for, and where 12.2 "part 1" is.
Or if you prefer the other way round: "part 1" and "part 2" would be the author saying it is same chapter but split in two, where "cont" would be the one clashing wish ".2" instead (where is "12.1 (cont)" or "12.2 (non-cont)"?).
Either way works, but you can't know which word is which unless you check the ToC (to see the chapter names). ...Or I guess the raws ToC works too. Which is which doesn't matter tho, the point remains that one of them is clashing with the ".2" string-format.