All the random remarks from strangers at the bottom of page 6 are..... beyond retarded...
I expect some of them are just the translator taking fucking liberties... but seriously?!
Do people genuinely say "grill"? What was that translated from? Is there a Japanese equivalent to calling a girl a "grill"?
No, she isn't "thicc". She is a skinny waif.
How is her hair "nice" like that? It is completely generic for Japan.
Her legs are skinny too, and not long either, so no, not "legs for days".
The contact lenses are a blatant blemish. Besides that, the problems are mostly with what she does NOT have, which is much of anything.
No, her "boobs" are obviously not huge. They're small enough you couldn't even tell she had any through that outfit. If they were even big, let alone huge, that sort of outfit couldn't hide it.
I know manga like to take liberties with random strangers oogling completely plain & unattractive girls, but this is taking it to a whole new level. ¬_¬
... Oh yeah... and page 20. Sticking "fam" in there... this translator is trash. Nobody needs that sort of arbitrarily inserted slang. What an utter bellend.