Kono Koi wo Hoshi ni wa Negawanai - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - Comfort

Dex-chan lover
Feb 9, 2019
i love this author sm 😞 so much pain !! very awesome

i love the senpai a lot .. for now she has been kind and comforting with fuyuki and i love her design im lowkey rooting for her
Dex-chan lover
Apr 29, 2019
From what I understand. Kyo is a typical dude tryna get laid, Eri is a parasitic douche nozzle and Fuyuki is a unlucky confused person that makes poor decisions. Before people start saying Eri isn’t that bad, think about it. Dates/latches onto anybody that gives her any kind of affection and just takes. She then proceeds to get upset when fuyuki starts dating the other chick, while she is in a relationship of her own. People like that are the worst. Always taking, but never giving. Fuyuki is bad in her own way. Often making decisions that end up with her being hurt. Then seeking comfort from a fling from the her past, which wouldn't be bad if they genuinely loved each other.

There is so much wrong with that love triangle thing that is going on. So to summarize it’s goes like this imo. Dude looking to take advantage of a needy chick, needy chick is a parasite that latches on to those that give her attention, and love blind girl that makes poor decisions that hurt her, so she goes to an old fling for comfort.

(Saw someone say that they’re just kids. They’re college age, old enough to know what they’re doing)
I think this is an excessively cynical and uncharitable reading of all three characters. I don’t think Kyo is just looking to get laid. Eri is definitely a bit selfish, but she doesn’t seem to have the best handle on her emotions and there’s room for growth. And as far as I can tell, Fuyuki hasn’t actually done anything wrong.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 23, 2018
OK, I have to comment a bit about Kyo because he actually isn't an asshole this chapter and people seem to have missed Fuyuki's recollection. While Kyo did originally want Fuyuki to stay out, he very quickly relented during the conversation itself and invited Fuyuki to spend the birthday together as in previous years. He then went ahead and took the blame when Eri got upset about Fuyuki not coming because he didn't want Eri to know that FUYUKI was deliberately avoiding them. Kyo is really trying to be the nice guy here at a cost to himself, but he's not really helping. That said, he isn't really at fault since all he really did was to give Fuyuki an excuse to do what she'd wanted to do, then Fuyuki changed her mind, then changed her mind AGAIN when she had a chance to repair their relationship. This time most of the blame is really Fuyuki's.

Also, this is a situation where the girls do love each other deeply but one of them (Eri) is actually straight. It's already very obvious from Eri's original reaction to Fuyuki dating senpai that the thought of making their relationship sexual never crossed her mind. She simply isn't wired that way. She loves Fuyuki romantically but is unable to be attracted to her sexually. This kind of pairing does work IRL, and there are mangas that actually depict this. but Eri simply isn't able to initiate it. The ball is really in Fuyuki's court now, especially since she's already come out to both Eri and Kyo. Her original inhibition was caused by her fear of ERI's reaction if she found out. Well, part of that hurdle's already passed.

You correctly pointed out that Kyo wasn't the villain here, but the interpretation of Eri as "actually" straight doesn't sound right. Straight in practice means the default attraction model that everyone is expected to have. Women are expected and are supposed to not just sexually favor men, but also to fall in love only with men. Therefore, if Eri is in love with Fuyuki, then whether she wants to have sex with her or not, she has failed the heterosexual standard, at least privately. She can identify as straight and pass as straight to other people, but she is not straight in her behavior (which is the only objective way to look at this stuff).

I think you also might be assuming a little too much about her sexual desires or lack thereof. The pressure to conform to heterosexuality can do weird stuff to the brain, so it's possible Eri's potential attraction to Fuyuki is buried and repressed. Starting to date Fuyuki might also seem too risky, especially if her experiences so far have been sour, because a breakup could mean the end of their friendship too. But even if it turns out that Eri is not attracted to Fuyuki sexually and they still end up as a happy couple at some point, calling her straight then will be even more wrong. Being happily partnered to another woman is just not heterosexual behavior no matter how you slice it.

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