Ughh they should have stayed away from banking... She just introduced a fucked up version of a bank although truthfully the real world version is more messed up. I just think that if banking was going to be introduced it should be an idealized version. Lending out money should ideally require minimum deposits to be held by the bank and even so it still runs risks. Also, for monetary policy it really is more geared toward controlling the value of fiat currency rather than gold coins. I mean to set this up properly she would need more than tax accounting knowledge she would need to understand how the economy works and present day bankers and supposed fiscal policy makers don’t really understand... because it’s nonsense. Also, to help the poor she would not be able to use creditworthiness because that would mostly/only help the upper and professional class. To the poor it would mostly result in predatory lending because it would result in saying they are high risk and need high interest to compensate. That’s why micro lending exists.