Koushaku Reijou no Tashinami - Vol. 6 Ch. 44

Dex-chan lover
Sep 29, 2018
I'm not gonna throw any joke this time XD

Thanks for the chapter.
Mar 20, 2019
Ignoring anything I pointed out you'd be right. Sometimes it may happen that one has such a problem and not noticing being manipulated. The point is getting up afterwards, something she didn't do. I may realize that someone is trying to trick me to click a spoiler as soon as I see it, just before clicking, afterwards or after a good sleep when more relaxed, but she didn't even do that.

And to bring cliché example in stories (politics ones, but it's not that different form this one) many antagonist girls get tricked and realize it only afterwards. Not even after a good sleep, but a moment too late or a bit later. Only if the authors want to make them look really stupid they make them not noticing and be happy even after being manipulated or taking more time than soon afterwards. Heck, normal rivals notice it in real time but they don't know how to answer while still being polite.

And about the rest, If you don't address the manipulation and all the other hints it's rather hard for me to believe that. Actually I'd actually say the opposite, her people have a deeper bond with her. They should be the one to help her in case of weakness. Not a random prince that starts by creeping her out. He didn't even handle the situation properly if he wanted to help her, but he was effective at making her lean on him.

PS: This is my last comment on this thread even if anyone tags me as my contribution to show a negative side I believe to be present in this ch is not appreciated and I have no reason to keep on wasting my time.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@ShinobuOshino You see, there is a little problem with your argument: SHE IS NOT GETTING FUCKING MANIPULATED.

Ask anyone who read the original story, Dean is not trying to manipulate her or turn her into his cockslave or make her depend on him or whatever your and the other guys' paranoia makes you think he is doing. He was legitimately trying to help her face her own feelings and vent out so she could be in tip-top condition to deal with this whole problem. At most he "manipulated" her so she would be forced to face her own feelings, but we both know that's not what you are talking about.

Dean is not evil or an antagonist, it's just that the artist makes him look shady as fuck for some weird reason.
Group Leader
Jul 12, 2018
her emotional response in the first half of the chapter is completely reasonable lol

the proofreading is amazing this chapter oml.
Jan 22, 2018
I really just want to see them bang, ngl. I want the kiss kiss fall in love stuff. and I want them to straight up bang.
Double-page supporter
Mar 4, 2018
Now I get why that isekai manga with the dead-pan character is popular. It's because readers are idiots who correlate emotional strength with being lobotomized.

If Iris were a male, he would be due for a cry all the same. Is the crying scene after the duel in Shield Hero also him showing weakness? Are the crying scenes in Mushoku Tensei also just him showing weakness?

No. Letting your emotions out is not pathetic. It doesn't make Iris a weak character, and I hope none of you are ever tasked with helping a depressed friend in real life. Where has the empathy gone in this world?
Active member
Apr 19, 2018
thats a smart play right there, have everyone gather at the place they think has been torn down, the church is gonna have to bite their tongue after this one
Active member
Apr 9, 2019
I honestly can't tell if that scene with her crying with Dean was supposed to be heartwarming or if he was being so-so about it... The manga definitely made the scene feel heavy but I couldn't see them as a pairing the way they were drawn in this scene. He looked pretty cold when to talking to her so the argument and embrace felt distant. Meanwhile, I like how Iris' frustration was portrayed. You could feel it oozing off the comic panels. Feels more like a rare glimpse of how she actually feels inside and the dude was merely there to see it.

I dunno. I guess I imagined it differently when I read the novel! He seemed sweeter?
Mar 20, 2019
Welp. I didn't read the original story and until now no one of "anyone who read the original story" said a thing about that. If all the arguments against me are chapter-based you can't blame me because nobody told me that in the future they'll show that I'm wrong. If that's the point say it, if you just go around it with those kind of half-assed arguments you all did before, you're not going to convince anyone in that way.

If you say knowing the future that he was trying to help her, so be it. But that neither changes that it wasn't the best way to do it nor that he was manipulating her as he made her do what he wanted against her will. His end is not gonna change the mean he used. You think it was a good thing, I don't. Just a different set of ethics. And by the way, this can also explain why he was made to look that shady: to make his behavior into a red herring for the manga only to later reveal that he was an ally. This would also mean that your comment was a spoiler, but thanks for answering with a decent argument anyway.

As per all the Don Quixote still fighting straw-mans, I'll ignore them as said in my previews comment. I've got no intention to keep on answering people who argue against things no one ever said and that I answered many times over. You either attack what I said or it's just a War on straws. Just reread my old messages if you want to know what I actually said, but I guess trolls don't care for the opponent's argument. And mistaking the novel for the manga as if they are the same thing and everyone has knowledge of both is not helping either.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
I find 1 major problem with the setting of the situation - the people already know there's a new church being built in place of the old one. Or, should, at least. It didn't happen yesterday, the construction is almost done, since religion is depicted as having a strong influence, the news about both church buildings would spread quickly through the city. So saying the distrust of the people is spreading due to demolishing the old church is well... absurd. People sure are dumb, but not that dumb.
Dec 28, 2018
People here keep saying that she is worse off now after that night of screaming out her worries and breaking down a bit. I still don't see how though, unless you see her as weaker/lesser for not keeping up a strong front or relying on someone for comfort. And please don't say that breaking down and depending on someone emotionally is a sign of weakness and disgusting/detestable, because that's the same kind of masculine reasoning that leads to emotional stunting.

And even if Dean was being manipulative (but all he did was say she looks like shit and bottling it up will ruin her, then hug her and tell her to rely on them and go to sleep), I can't imagine what kind of better method/result people want. Do you want her to suddenly go 'oh yeah, I can relay my worries to other people, thanks Dean!' and still maintain her composure? Because the whole breaking down and crying/yelling is the way of showing both the stress she bottled in and that she is finally opening up fully. I think the problem is that people think that she doesn't want to cry about her problems when, according to her in this very chapter, all the stress and problems she might cause others really makes her want to cry a little bit, at least. And unfortunately some people here think less of her because of that, and then they despise Dean for bringing her down to that level and letting her crumble/cry. Iris is strong that she keeps going forward, but please don't look down on her for breaking down at the current predicament she's on. Especially since she already shows she's taking more steps at the end of the chapter, not wallowing in sadness.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 25, 2018
@AlmondMagnum So? His method is still wrong, and she's so damn ooc here. Overreacting as per typical Japanese style. Should've tone that down since this is not shounen.

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