Lamia Orphe Is Dead - Ch. 31 - Hesitation

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 18, 2020
honestly the MC is hateful. I get the thing about protecting your brother, I would do the same but the brother never came clean to her about anything. She even asked him once what happened with the prince and he didn't answer yet she demonizes the prince and acts this way. I'm not saying she should jump into the prince's embrace and be in love with him, just because he loves her doesn't mean she needs to love him back but her attitude is too much. Also, she has the whole holier than thou attitude yet she didn't mind at all when her father suggested they kill an innocent child who claims to be her father's bastard child, she agreed to this knowing the child was being used and all.
I don't think the choice to kill the child is necessarily the worst thing ever especially if the child is used to not only destroy the duke's family but probably wreck havoc on the entire territory. However, someone who is ready to bloody their hands with children's blood has no business claiming that another person is evil especially since that person, at least, isn't known for killing kids. She made the conscious choice that (1 kid < her family + territory ) and her father is just a duke yet she can't understand that the stakes are higher for a prince ? (her family + territory <<<< the prince's royal family + the entire kingdom) so she can't understand that much ? She can't grasp the fact that it is possible that the prince does seemingly evil things for the greater good ? Weird coming from someone who does th esame thing on a lower scale.

I think I just might dop this because the MC is horrible. I can stand a bad ML because the MC appears more and the focus is on her but if the ML is good but the MC is shit then there's no saving the story
Nov 13, 2019
hang on.. I thought she know that the 2nd prince save her father, but why she think that he want to kill their father? am I missing something?

edit : spelling
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2018
When you change the timeline so much, your lover from the other timelines now wants to get rid of you

Active member
Apr 21, 2019
@NARKist He confessed to her that he was involved in Lamia's father death threat, he saved him because he knew what were going to happen
Oct 19, 2019
ppl cmon lamia is supposed to be a morally grey character.......noble fams are nasty and lamia is probably one of the most powerful ladies in the country being the only daughter of the biggest ducal family. she was def raised to be wary and shrewd since this series seems to be really investing in that to set a serious tone, but as weve seen in the prologues that wall IS broken down in the future so we'll see a more lighthearted side of her eventually when the pressure on her shoulders lessens
Apr 12, 2020
@Akera93 I'm starting to agree like her plan makes no sense. she's putting her whole territory on a gamble because Uriel becoming the Duke seems like a high chance for civil war.
So what she can become a knight of lower status and no social currency idk seems like a waste of time unless someone else can explain or I forgotten something.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 12, 2019
The Siblings are terrible. And they are dumb for committing political suicide. It makes no sense why they would do that or even allow that to happen. Just because her pitiful little inept brother can't be a knight anymore and she decided to let an incompetent person become the next duke? That's one of the reasons why Aristocracy and inherited power fails. Because of that very reason. They are unlikeable.
In fact, every character in this series is unlikeable.
Active member
Dec 16, 2019
Lamia and her brother is dumb ..
Acquila like a god and have royal background..and they want to kill him.
Like dude...

I think the duke family was erased by other noble familly cause they kinda annoying, and I think the other prince was involved with acquila plan to save her.
Active member
Dec 16, 2019
No wonder the title is lamia orphe is dead because I really want her to dead after reading this chapter.
I hope acquila have another girl he can love
Nov 11, 2019
Thanks for the chapter!

Really frustrated with the lack of explanation. The pace is slower than a snail. I wish this was 20 years in the future so I can know how this ends (assuming it doesn't get axed or get an official translation).

I still don't understand why making Uriel the Duke will make it easier to destroy Aquila, than if Lamia became the Duke/Duchess - because she is way better suited, more respected, etc. Surely won't she have more power?
Mar 10, 2020
Thanks for the update! Imma disagree with people and say I like Lamia lol. From her pov, aquila was the one to ruin her brother's future and possibly plotted her father's dead?? Such a man like that would only be a threat to their future, no? We have seen how she has no problem killing a child if it means securing the family's position. She isn't your typical pure gentle innocent lady MC. She doesn't have the ability to read the prologue like us and know that Aquila loves her so right now he's just a powerful stranger weirdo. Give it some time for him to win her over?
Active member
Dec 16, 2019
The reason we dislikes lamia is because she is supposed a rational, smart lady who many supported to inherit the duke title and become a head familly.
And yet her character become irational, selfish and dumb (sorry if you like her)

We dont have problem with her morale,
But the way she takes an action , who does not beffiting her as duchess candidate that bother mè the most.

I say that at this point both uriel and lamia allready failed as someone who supposed inherit the title.
Dec 18, 2019
Seriously, Lamia and her brother are the worst part of this series. We know they’re morally grey characters. But she’s so dumb and annoying? When she’s supposed to be smart? Where’s her supposed rationality? The only characters that I like are Aquila and.... Wait that’s it. He’s definitely cruel, but so much more interesting, and consistent in his traits... like we keep getting plot twists and confused, but when it comes to him it’s not implausible. Lamia is just... Where is the author even going with her character? I wish there were a novel. Sigh. I’ll keep reading for the puppy/rabid dog prince.
Apr 29, 2019

Yes!!!! Omg this is the simplest explanation I've been trying to put in words of why i don't like lamia too.

Both of them don't have the charisma and maturity of an heir of a dukedom.

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