Lamia Orphe Is Dead - Ch. 35 - Wish

Jan 22, 2018
I feel like Uri will die anyway and Lamia will blame herself for the sending away the 2nd prince. This is probably why he still calls her duchess.

After looking at the raws:

Lamia really is happy about Uri being healed. But she really wanted to be heir and the next Duchess. Aquila does not heal Uri earlier because he knows the next heir will be in danger and does not want Lamia to be heir. Aquila tells Lamia that he did all of this for her and that he loves her. Obviously Lamia is super pissed off, she worked all her life to become the heir (you could say it was her calling). She then tells Aquila she hates him and curses him to never know now the warmth of love. Hearing this Aquila replies if that is your will then that is how it will be.

This is funny because Lamia is basically not just cursing Aquila but herself too. If you consider what happened in the past time line, she essentially just cursed herself to die. But I have to admit for someone who traveled to the past Aquila is making all the rookie mistakes and seems doomed to fail.
May 27, 2019
You know what, if someone intentionally broke my hand and threatened to kill my family, the only thing I’d wish for is the death of the person, in this case - Aquila.
Jan 31, 2018
Lol this family gets worse and worse the more I read, but this is a Trainwreck I want to see happen.
Apr 27, 2020
Thank you for the updates!
A little insight for Uriel, I think calling him 'not forgiving' is just victim blaming. He literally got mutilated, his dominant hand, even. That'd have rob him of everything, he could even be disowned by his own father. We clearly see on how much trauma he's been (he literally almost hyperventilating right there), and yet he only have one wish, just for them not to meet, I think he's pretty much forgiving. He don't want Aquila to die, he just want him not eat lunch with him (and his family). With the pacing being back and forth we don't even know if what Aquilla did to Uriel was intentional or something else. (In addition, he only makes obvious concern when it was with "Lamia", the way he's acting obviously may make people think the sole reason he think he did something wrong to Uriel was because "Lamia is sad about it so it's wrong", idk man I think if I got mutilated and said person tells me they want to marry my sister I'd be even worse than that)
Double-page supporter
Nov 22, 2019
I'm seeing a lot of different sides here. It's kinda sad no one knows that Aquila is not the same dude, not really.

Thanks for the update!
Active member
Mar 12, 2019
The timing of this seems odd. If he had promised to heal Uri and take responsibility for his iniury, wouldn't it have been better to do it before the successor ceremony? After all Lamia is the preferred choice as successor but they rearranged things so that Uri's position as the next Duke would force the king to acknowledge what happened and punish the prince for it.

To me, if they're doing this after either indicates that the prince made that a condition, or that the oath he swore to them only ensures he can't hurt them but doesn't actually compel him to fulfill other promises. In that case they may want Uri to inherit still to make sure that the prince is held responsible and so it would also be hard for him to act against him again without consequences.
Jan 18, 2018
@Aeriandra We don't know much about the other timeline, perhaps he had to make sure that Uri became the successor to keep Lamia from some kind of danger
Mar 8, 2019
im so freaking confused??? there’s just so many questionable actions with questionable reasonings and i dont know man
Apr 30, 2019
Aquila is a qt but it doesn’t matter because he’s a massive cunt. He’s got the same methods as a mafioso by threatening to fix a problem he caused only after he gets what he wants. Of course, the author will probably make us want to forgive him by the end but it’s going to be a long road and I still want him to die at the end of it.
May 9, 2019
I still feel like the real reason he went that far was to get Lamia outta the duchess position for her safety and that is why he caused the hands and trauma with Uri. After all, he is mr time rewind. Oh, also, fuck the Orphe family. They are all fucked up. Especially Lamia and the father... they made innocents suffer themselves for their own gain
Apr 2, 2020
Aquila is getting mad at the father about Lamia being in danger, like he doesn't care about his daughter. If I'm not mistaken, isn't Aquila the one who caused chaos in the Orphe family and the reason why Lamia chooses to become a knight?

Also, Aquila sounds like one of those dudes who believes he's gonna get with the girl, so he starts playing the boyfriend/protector role without them even being an item. What if she's not interested.

I'm still finding everyone unlikable.

This story is told in such a weird way. Uri has legitimate reasons for hating and never wanting the second prince close to him and his family(mutilated and family's lives threatened, including Lamia). But Aquila is framed as our hero so although Uri is morally in the right, a part of us wants Aquila to resolve the issues. There's some sort of weird dissonance between where the plot is going and how it's going there, if that makes sense.

I think this is a big part of the weakness of weekly storytelling. If the author has a plan to reverse our impressions of the characters, it would only work once we've read that far into the story. But for now, we're stuck disliking and disagreeing with our protagonists. People might drop a series like that. It's worse than say an antagonist who makes us mad, because that keeps us reading to see his comeuppance.

@selfiesturluson That's a really apt comparison by the way.
Apr 18, 2019
I think I have an understanding of Aquila's character. He's a super emotional lover/slight yandere which is why he got mad at the father for a second since he was frightened.

I'm pretty sure he hurt Uri so Lamia could become a knight but had intended to fix things after the succession.

If i remember correctly, Lamia had always wanted to become a knight.
Apr 2, 2020
@Spookie Actually it was the opposite unless I'm sorely mistaken. Lamia wanted to be a Duke so she studied like crazy for it and Uri's dream was to be a knight so he trained like crazy. By switching positions, the tragedy is that they've both been forced to give up on the dreams they dedicated their lives too. And the one who started this was Aquila when he mutilated and traumatised Uri and threatened the lives of Uri's family.
Apr 22, 2020
I’m intrigued by the mystery, but I still can’t say I like anyone in this story so far.

I don’t blame Uri for hating Aquila. He’s got PTSD. The poor lad just wanted to be a knight but has been thrown into this mess.

Aquila has been tirelessly protecting the Orphes, in particular Lamia, but I’ve got to say he’s not doing the best job at protecting their peace. Lamia’s got anger issues and is manipulative. She worked hard to become the Duchess but threw her dream away for Uri’s sake, which is admirable that she’d go so far for her brother, but now he’s just a walking puppet.
Aquila’s made yet another mess (I assume) with a timeline and he’s trying to patch things up for the sake of his beloved. Or maybe this was was his plan all along. But healing Uri’s hand is just going to flush Lamia’s efforts down the drain. What the hell was the point in her becoming a knight then? What about Uri’s dream?
A huge slap in the face (pun intended) to Lamia, as much as I don’t like her. I’m guessing Aquila is doing all this “for a reason” and I’m eager to understand why. I know it’s to protect Lamia, but how? How does she die?

I’ve got a feeling it’s to do with the Crown Prince. He’s fishy.
Oct 2, 2019
@selfiesturluson I think the one who attacked Uri wasn't the same Aquilla. Back then he showed up out of the blue and said 'So you still have your petty sense of justice?' and 'All talk but no action as per usual, Uriel' - as if he popped from some other timeline, lol.
See for yourself:
Active member
Nov 28, 2019
Some people have said Lamia gave up her dreams for Uri but that isn't true. She gave up her dream of being Duchess for her own self satisfaction; Uri did not want her to try and get revenge at all.

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