Lamia Orphe Is Dead - Ch. 37 - Collision

Mar 10, 2020
Thanks for the chapter! Lamia's reaction is reasonable, I would say. Like you can't just completely change her loved one's life and make them miserable and then reverse it and expect immediate forgiveness. I understand both of the characters' motivations, Aquilia with his determination to save Lamia from her fate and Lamia with her desire to distant herself from someone so seemingly unhinged and unpredictable. Aquila has no ways to tell her about the future so for now the misunderstandings and confusion will have to pile on.

Their dynamic right now is really interesting. Wonder what direction the story will take?
May 20, 2018
now I hope that Aquila died then it just fast forward to lamia suffering continously. Then realized what Aquila said to her.

I know what she did was kinda normal after all she and uri had to experience, but yeah I still don't like lamia.
Jul 17, 2020
Her father is manipulative and low, her brother is unreliable and irresponsible and she's just celf-centered and hypocrite. Since Aquila doesn't really have a personality the art is the only thing that keep me reading it... honestly if Lamia Orphe indeed died feels like the whole thing would be instantly more interesting.

Also people crying a river over his hand but somewhat fine with the idea of a kid stuck on who knows where and not knowing his own mom died for him while Lamia and her dad are more than ready to kill him. Uri is a grown ass man who made choices, but this child did nothing wrong and is the only victim here.
Active member
Nov 28, 2019
Raging so much about a crippled hand when she is planning to murder an innocent child. Nice look.
Jan 30, 2020
I legitimately hate every single one of these characters, but I hate Uri the most (which seems the be the opposite of the general consensus). He literally can’t do anything for himself, all he does is talk about how he wants to be reliable like Lamia.

Lamia herself just can’t use common sense to try and figure out what’s going on. Like, he swore an oath to your family, but also traumatized your brother maybe try and figure out what’s happening instead of slashing him with your panty dagger. Additionally, her and her crappy( not actually sure) dad are plotting to kill a child because he looks like the dad, yet she’s upset that Aquila impaled her brother?? Make it make sense.

Aquila is the only one I feel pity for. It’s annoying because I don’t know what’s really happening, but I have faith that Author-san won’t let us down.

In summary, I’m pissed. Wth just happened?
May 17, 2018
At this point, can she die again? Cause she suppose to be smart, but she is so thick my head hurts. How is she so smart? She's just so emotionally impulsive, can we just move on?
Jul 5, 2020
Uhhh I don't get Uri. Seriously isn't he the one who approached Aquilla knowing full well how dangerous he is? Don't initiate getting close to someone without having the conviction to see through it.
I get his past was a little rough and all but I honestly can't stand excessive self-pity.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
@cybergypsy I get what you mean about Uri, but seeing it from the point of the fact that Uri never had anyone ever care about him other then Lamia, I mean even an ounce of care, you understand why he wants to be like her to be able to help her. Their entire family is a mess, the mother seemed to be great to Lamia while ignoring Uri. The father did what fathers do except he didn't ever praise nor lift Uri up, just drill him. Then he thought he finally found a friend/reliable "master or however you want to call it, but that turned to utter shit.

Well, the kid is threatening the "stability" of their land and will 100% cause a civil war if the child grows up, plus isn't her direct family. Middle ages in a nutshell

Other then that, ye, the author needs to start explaining things. Preferably 20 chapters ago.
Jan 10, 2020
Waaa, I try but just can't like Lamia, like I understand her anger, but, jeez she is so annoying and quite hypocrite, "you ruined his hand you're a monster" "Let's kill the little kid, who has nothing except the unlucky to be similar with my father", seriously I'm not able to emphasize with her, don't know if something is wrong with the writing, I'm just frustrated and wanted to write it, English isn't my first language
Jun 21, 2019
let this one die aquila, you can try again for another lamia in your next lifetime
Jan 5, 2020
I feel like there's not much story progression here... Been 37 chapters and yet all we know is ML turned back time, current timeline FL hates ML's gut.

Character wise, all the characters are detestable in a sense. Uri is weak and can't stand up for himself, as a knight or as a heir. Father likes to scheme, and only do things to his benefits. Lamia just want to see things in her perspective, and is too overprotective over her brother which I feel it hinders Uri's growth in character. Aquila... do actions that create confusions and doesn't provide explanation which led to all the mess right now.

Don't know what keeps me going, continuing to read this manga but yeah just felt like I had to say it all out
Mar 2, 2019
@lizsa123 i dont think we are supposed to like her, she's a ruthless noble, respected by her people and her only trait that has been presented as something good is how much she cares for her brother. Its not like she is even close to her redemption arc, we've only just started to know her.
Apr 2, 2020
@TheGodEmperor Yeah I know what you mean. Like I said, I dislike her too and I can’t empathise with these characters and their motivations. I, just like you, was really disgusted by how she and her father treated that maid and the maid’s son. I just didn’t bring it up cause I was talking about the focus of this chapter, Lamia and Aquila.

I also don’t care for Aquila either. He was a pretty malicious and cruel man. Maiming someone for no real reason. He’s changed now and wants a reward or something. Dunno how on earth he managed to get Lamia to like him in the other timeline or timelines. So based on what he’s done to her and Uri, it made sense to me that she would be disgusted with him. And for once I understand it, even though I don’t like her or anyone else. It just made sense she would react like this, it was just odd to me why people acted like she’s supposed to understand Aquila or something.

Having got that out of the way, I don’t care to see either her or Aquila happy. I’d rather a tragic ending for this series. It just feels more fitting you know. I guess I got hooked at the beginning but my estimation of the series has really dropped as it has continued.

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