Lamia Orphe Is Dead - Ch. 37 - Collision

Aggregator gang
Sep 26, 2018
My interest: +3% 🤣

Everyone bagging on Aguila but I'm pretty sure he had a reason for specifically injure Uri's sword hand. There are so many other parts of his body (easier to stab) that our ML could've injured in order to make him leave the knights.

I'm trying not to be a pessimist, but Uri is being shown to be too pure and victimized for me to trust him. This manhwa has shown different times that Lamia and her father tend have sh*tty parts of their personality that they hide behind a mask of perfection, and I think it runs in the family.

So my theory is Uri is the one who kills Lamia in the past timelines. Since Aguila believes that her not becoming Duchess is key to keeping her from dying, I'm thinking Uri kills her when he's a full fledged knight. Either Uri has some underlying resentment towards his sister for being favored all the time or possibly because one of the nobles/royalty persuades him to do it or because Aguila does something to make Uri so angry that he feels killing his sister is the best way of hurting Aguila.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 19, 2018
idk whay but I really don't like Lamia

@WeeabooReview I think in the first timeline Uri's hand wasn't injured and Lamia became the heir.
Jan 30, 2020
It would be really funny if Lamia asked him to "please save Uri by any possible means, don't let him become a knight and go to his death" with her dying breath in the former timeline. It would make for a bigger clusterf#$k.

This is gonna be nuts.

P.S: Lamia is overreacting and I currently want to hit her ass. Girl, welcome to the real world in which people don't always get exactly what they want...but compared to other people who are poor or sick or enslaved to other people's whims (like that poor maid who killed herself to save her defenseless child) you and your brother are rich and respected and of darn near royalty.

Also her brother now has his hand back. I betcha lot of people who've lost a limb would pay through the nose to get it back. You lost it for 2 years not a lifetime. Ugh.
May 31, 2020
So it's AU-friends to enemies (at least on Lamia's part) to lovers, huh? I can be down for that.

Given the title, it would be interesting if, after all of his Man Pain and cruel-to-be-kind actions, Aquila still fails to save Lamia in this timeline. Part of me wants the author to just go full tragedy, since the bones of one are already there. The title could also refer to how the Lamia Orphe Aquila loved is metaphorically dead, since he killed the potential of them having a healthy relationship and basically turned her into the worst version of herself. Maybe she'll stay dead, who knows.

I certainly don't want either of them to be rewarded for their cruel actions, but I don't want them to be perpetually unhappy either. My best hope for them is that they grow some self-awareness and stop equating their own selfish actions with "love." True love doesn't throw innocent people under the bus just to feed into your martyr/savior complex.
Aggregator gang
Jul 8, 2018
Acquilla is crazy and Lamia is really unstable...

Man I hope there is one likeable character I can find in this series XD
Dex-chan lover
Feb 14, 2018

The difference is, most limb losses are permanent, whereas this guy *proved* he could heal it within seconds. AKA The Orphe's suffered for 2 years for nothing, the boys knighthood dream shattered, his family seeing him wither away to be a mere shell of his former self, her own dream has been cast aside as well.

and all that for a rather petty reason, I sincerely doubt that most people would take that turn of events well.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2019
I was really thinking that broke Uri's hand Aquilla didn't have his future memories yet. Guess that was wrong.
Feb 19, 2019
Ok considering the spoilers this seems to make sense
Someone in the earlier comments mentioned that Aquila wanted to take down the Royal family and used the Orphe family as bait. This successfully ruined them but the blame was turned onto the Orphe's and as a result Lamia was murdered. I feel like he crushed Lamia's brothers hand so Lamia would trade places with her brother because that meant he would become Duke and the assassination plans would be directed towards her brother instead?(But then again the crushing of his hand seemed very spur of the moment)
And he made sure to only heal his hand after the ceremony so he would definitely take position as Duke rather than Lamia. I think it would be ideal too because her brother was already well skilled in his knight training whereas Lamia never truly had the full means to defend herself. Idk tho this is my take on things
May 9, 2019
@Zikakuto I think there was a reason he did that since, it seems, he never did it in the past. So I think he did it intentionally to force the timeline to where he knew Lamia would step down as Duchess heir and pursue a different career for Uri's sake. And it seems he did it to save her life as she clearly died time and time again in every other attempt (at least it seems he's done time fuckery more than once). I mean, still, feels like, from our perspective, he likely had other options, but maybe he didn't. Still, he seems a mess regardless (though I feel her curse isn't needed, he's LONG since learned those kinda things given how he and his mother were treated).

It might make sense for her anger, but I'd hope that she has to suffer for the way she and her dad treated the maid/maid's son and that SAME vengeful mindset comes back around to her. She needs to learn that her same mindset is toxic.

Also, I agree, a tragic edning seems better for this series unless it some how does an amazing job to resolve any misunderstandings and for people to make amends to each other. But, I don't know ,as things are now, it'd feel cheap. But it'd feel fitting if it were a bitter end where Aquila dies but does finally succeed in saving Lamia, Lamia realizes (by now) the truth of everything, but it's too late, so she lives the rest of her life in bitter misery and self hatred for how it all went down in a monastery or something :p
Apr 23, 2020
So what he means is for Lamia to survive he has to sacrifice Uri because the heir of Orphe will die, dammmmmmn i understand she is angry and more importantly he waited to long for healing Uri.
Apr 29, 2019
I bet the one hurts the most is aquila,
There’s no doubt, he’s trying his best here.
Because this plot is not for his happiness
It feels like he has no other choice
But to sacrifice and kill his own feelings
Being hated by the one he cherishes n loves the most.

Lamia can hate him, it is his choice, he made her hate him, he regrets it, but he’s so desperate he had no choice.

I don’t mind u guys hating on him. I don’t think he deserves the hate though, but u guys might want to c it in a different angle a lil bit.
May 9, 2019
Just going to sum up things for people here

"HOW DARE YOU HURT MY DEAR BROTHER WHO I AM A LITTLE TOO OBSESSIVE OVER!! now let me go kill this maid who is only here cause she wanted help for her son oh and then we'll kill her son so he can't be used to threaten Uri's position cause it happens to be my cousin cause my uncle got busy with said maid years ago"

well, sure, she didn't directly kill her, as the maid was used by the other family, but they knew and said the glass would be poisoned regardless cause they put their own poison in it so they could force the maid to drink it and then incriminate the man that sent her to do it, so, ya, still their fault the maid died and they still are going to kill the son and I still hate Lamia and her father.

Lamia is a cunt, her father is a cunt, Aquila is a messed up boy (who likely did what he did to keep Lamia of the path that gets her killed, aka becoming Duchess, but he still went about it stupidly), and Uri is a good boy.

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