Ok Ive only read the first 6 chapters so it might get better, but I dont really think it will. This is what I think of it so far.
This seems to be a level past stupid. What is the point of this story? A comedy? The jokes arent very funny.
The MC doesnt have to struggle at all, and girls are the only people that are humans in which he has met, and they all just submit to him. This is so stupid.
His house is so annoying too. Like at least in other isekai the MC has to figure things out and doesnt get everything right away.
The art is average at best, and I can see that the best thing they have to draw in readers is erotic scenes, that arent even that erotic. Just girls with everything censored and some sexual posses, and whats up with girls pissing themselves when he uses magic.
Its all pampering towards ecchi.
Overall the story is bad, art is average, and characters are dumb and bland. 1/10
(*Sorry for the rage review, this stuff just angers me so much because the author didnt even try hard (well maybe he/she did, but its hard to believe so) and their story probably is better known that authors who put a lot of work into their stories and arent popular.)