Simo Hayha? Holy shit, that was unexpected. And giving that man a divine Mosin and/or Suomi? Good fucking luck, whatever poor bastard he's facing.
Also... Nostradamus? ...Why? Even more strange is Jack the Ripper. This is like the third time I've seen in anime/manga where Jack the Ripper is supposed to be some badass killer, and... I'm just not seeing it. As far as people that have gotten away with crimes goes D.B. Cooper is more impressive than some guy murdering prostitutes and nearly getting caught. As far as victim counts and getting away with the crime, the Zodiac Killer is even more impressive and more dangerous. I think it's the Japanese/western culture gap at play.
Then again, it was shocking enough to see Simo Hayha on the list, so I'll give the more derpy ones there a pass because of how novel that is. Although seeing a Jack Churchill, Otto Skorzeny, Audie Murphy or
Roy Benavidez - who would likely be able to walk past Rasputin and laugh at him for being a weak little bitch that gone done in from a little scrape and be justified in doing so. Roy Benavidez is about as close as mankind has ever come to making what is essentially a Terminator; and he could dish out and take as much punishment as one.