It's a bit tough to wait months for weekly-length chapters, but I do feel the high quality scanlation dedicated to this full-on degenerate ecchi is one of the charms in reading this series, so I don't mind that much
I'm down for faster uploads even if it means lesser redraw quality. Preferably keep up the quality though on certain *cough* *cough* parts. I wouldn't want to see another manga get sniped just because you guys are putting in more effort than we deserve.
jesus look at that. i won't blame you all one bit if you want to take some shortcuts. most of the time i think it's font choice that matters most and i don't think you guys have any problems there.
I don't care about redraws. I've done my fair share of redraws on hmanga and I know it sucks. Honestly though, the japanese text doesn't bother me at all.