Very interesting chapter, indeed.
I love it with the effective propaganda measures to counter the Enryakuji's, and this gave a lot to think about.
Just as a thought experiment, with Oda's (or Shizuko's) effective propaganda against the Enryakuji, and also considering how belligerent the Buddhist monks in this manga, how possible it is for the Buddhism to lose more and more influence in overall Japan of this setting?
Maybe not subtantially in immediate future, but I can imagine that they are going to have their power and influence curtailed gradually.
...Which may lead to people going back to the good ol' Shintoism....or maybe, just maybe, we are going to witness the ascendancy of Christianity in Japan of this setting!
...that is if Nobunaga or Shizuko can keep away the worst excesses of Christianity or any other religion, to be honest (i.e. zealotry, religious elitism, intolerance, ignorance, corruption, etc, etc).
Maybe, just maybe, Shizuko can temper with Frois' sermons to the masses, particularly with one of Jesus' gospels, "Render unto Caesar."
That way, while Christianity can be allowed to spread peacefully, the Japan of this setting can be kept relatively secular.
...LOL, I can already imagine Shiro Amakusa, instead of being a rebel (and died as one) like in the original timeline, is being ordained as the first Cardinal/ Arch-Bishop of the Church of Japan in this setting.
What a weird mental image.
Boy, oh boy, this is interesting!
Can't wait to see the next chapters!
I talked so much about Christianity and whatnot, that I forgot the true star of this chapter: The Propaganda itself.
With this monstrously effective propaganda against the Enryakuji, surely Nobunaga can see the strategic value in written, or dare I say, Printed Words.
With Shizuko's "invention", her Tech-Village support, and Nobunaga's nigh-bottomless investment in her, I can see that the creation of the Printing Press won't be long now...