The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady - Vol. 6 Ch. 36

Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
They're not doing the same arc from the anime next or are they just changing things for the btter like they've been doing with this manga? Because if it comes back in Feb I'm going to forget most of what happened.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2020
being stripped of your nobility disowned by your family and depending on what "research subject" means potentially a loss of freedom as well as being confined to the edge of buttfuck nowhere is not a slap on the wrist even if most of them forgive him for it.
He is extremely resistant and he regenerate himself. When you get hurt your brain adapt and reduce the signal to a point were it stop it totaly and you become "imune" to pain. So it will only be a temporary punishement. Also, he cant age anymore so he will be free at some point.

Look up the definition of fantasy then say this again. Also stop bringing your shit IRL life into this it's not only irrelivant when were discussion FICTIONAL STORIES it shows your clear bias.
All fiction are based on reality, it's weird to try and pretend that you cant base yourself on reality to juge fantasy. The lord of the ring can be juged by using reality, and if you do you easily see the similarity.

It's the same with every fantasy story. Authors dont pull their entire story out of their ass, this one is literaly based on European medieval time. And during this period exiled noble and royality lived realy well. It's not an acceptable punishement for someone who tryed to mess up an entire country by associating with a group of totaly crazy people.

The people would not accept it, the military would not accept it, and the noble would not accept it either, and not country can survive without the trust of these group.
That's politics, for what he did he should not be allowed to live, because otherwise it would push other people to do the same.

He can be killed, the dude is not Alucard he wont survive being a puddle of blood. Proof is that the real vampire nearly died by having her heart ripped.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2020
As for Al's punishment being "lenient", this is actually pretty standard in medieval European monarchies. Try looking up various lists of executed royals. You will find very, very few, compared to how many monarchies that have existed in recorded history, with the majority of them being of non-european monarchies or the result of usurpation or overthrow of the reigning dynasty, which invalidates the royal status of the executed. With most European monarchies being heavily entwined at least in name with religion, and the often complex family connections with the greater nobility, it was very unseemly and politically fraught to actually execute members of royal families. There are even royals who have instigated wars AND directly tried to kill their siblings/parents/children/etc....and they've simply been exiled after the fact. Sometimes multiple times.
Most of the time, but when a dude try to ruin his country by associating with crazy people no one would sit well with just a banishement.
He didn't just try to murder people and take the throne, his objective was to literaly remove all noble house with the help of fanatics. This is not something that would be accepted by noble and royality of this country and the neighbor one. This kind of act were always stopped with a lot of blood.

I can't help but feel this crowd has read far too many manga in this genre which tends to be even more simplistic in character portrayal or pushes many fictional tropes about medieval Europe.
So it make this part actualy funny, as you ignore the specifics to try and juge other.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 12, 2018
He is extremely resistant and he regenerate himself. When you get hurt your brain adapt and reduce the signal to a point were it stop it totaly and you become "imune" to pain. So it will only be a temporary punishement. Also, he cant age anymore so he will be free at some point.

All fiction are based on reality, it's weird to try and pretend that you cant base yourself on reality to juge fantasy. The lord of the ring can be juged by using reality, and if you do you easily see the similarity.

It's the same with every fantasy story. Authors dont pull their entire story out of their ass, this one is literaly based on European medieval time. And during this period exiled noble and royality lived realy well. It's not an acceptable punishement for someone who tryed to mess up an entire country by associating with a group of totaly crazy people.

The people would not accept it, the military would not accept it, and the noble would not accept it either, and not country can survive without the trust of these group.
That's politics, for what he did he should not be allowed to live, because otherwise it would push other people to do the same.

He can be killed, the dude is not Alucard he wont survive being a puddle of blood. Proof is that the real vampire nearly died by having her heart ripped.
1. That's not how pain works.

2. Yeah totally based on reality I just got my mana sword in the mail it's great all the dragon hearts i can weld to my body now.

3. Lord of the Rings is HIGH FANTASY it is not based on any historical time period

4. No this is pretty clearly based on the early Industrial Revolution just with magic Revolution is literally in the title she also makes the first flying machine among many other connections.

5.Removal of ones noble status title and birthright was considered a punishment worse then death do some basic research before speaking out your ass also the word your looking for is Treason they even use it in the manga

6.The people don't care beyond "hes gone now I hated that prick" The Military don't care beyond what their commanders/generals tell them to

7.The nobles SPECIFICALLY were part of this plot the ones directly involved are at minimum facing a loss of influence to do anything that was literally part of the whole point. al was making

8.Yeh I'm sure tons of people are in a position to hunt a vampire graft it's heart to your body also AGAIN this being a thing that has been building for years because of a series of very unique circumstances was THE ACTUAL WHOLE STORY did you even read it?

9. He cannot even Lanie survived the literal source of her regeneration being excavated from her body someone with the full heart can probally live anything (see also stabby sisters ultimate attacks) Thank you for confirming you did not infact read the story though.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Alternativelly, her brother may not be considered royalty anymore... but he is still of royal blood. Thus any children he has could easily be adopted as the next in line.

That is both another reason to keep him alive (and until everyone here was talking about royalty executions, I thought it was the main reason), and a reason for the research about vampirism - to not risk his children becoming vampires like Laine did and would eventually do.

Mmm, with Anis saying that it is impossible to turn a vampire back into a human, and that their offspring will all inherit the magicite, I think it's pretty clean cut on the fact that they don't want the brother having any babies in the line of succession.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2019
Because YOU were the one who said he got 'slap on the wrist' so who knows what kind of punishment you expected.
you were the one who immediately jump to "execution", you do realize that right?

There's also a difference between not holding a grudge and forgiving.
I agree, however both of those actions take time, unless you're a saint.

Are your dad/grandpa constantly obsess with that incident or do they just move on with their life and the strain only shows up when the uncle is around?
my grandpa died and from what I know, they did make up but was never in good term ever again. My father forgave my uncle AFTER 5 YEARS. My uncle had to put in lots of effort into repairing the relationship, before my father finally forgave him.

The characters are just trying to move on because they still have other things, instead of being obsessed with Algard, to do.
Compare them to Anis who can't and probably is a fucking mess of self-blaming right now.
Honestly I don't think you are even trying to understand what I'm saying. Not forgiving someone immediately after they tried to kill you ISN'T the same thing as being obsessed over it.

All I'm asking is for at least 1 person in the story to hate the prince (because he fucking deserved that) and NOT FORGIVE HIM RIGHT NOW. Sure if he redeems himself in the future, I won't mind people forgiving him then. But he just tried to kill 2 people, one of which is his own sister, and both of them just forgive him like it was nothing???

Anw, I've made my point very VERY clear. Please stop misunderstanding me. Also, I'd like to stop responding now as I've repeated this point so much I feel like a broken record.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
you were the one who immediately jump to "execution", you do realize that right?

Because apparently exile + disownment + being used as living subject for experiments is 'slap to the wrist' for you, it makes me wonder how bad of a punishment you think is 'proper'

Which you never answered btw, so I can only guess.
But since you never say execution is too far I can 'only guess' it's within your ideas.

All I'm asking is for at least 1 person in the story to hate the prince (because he fucking deserved that) and NOT FORGIVE HIM RIGHT NOW. Sure if he redeems himself in the future, I won't mind people forgiving him then. But he just tried to kill 2 people, one of which is his own sister, and both of them just forgive him like it was nothing???

Ah yes, because nobody is showing open hatred for him, clearly it must mean they all have 'forgiven' him /s

my grandpa died and from what I know, they did make up but was never in good term ever again. My father forgave my uncle AFTER 5 YEARS. My uncle had to put in lots of effort into repairing the relationship, before my father finally forgave him.

Again, were your dad/grandpa constantly out for blood of your uncle or did they try to move on with their lives?
Because your own family's example and your demand or what should happen to Algard seem to be contradicting.

The scene with Lainie and Euphy talking to Algard happen after purging that other noble's family, which means IT TOOK TIME before this happen. Y'know, time to sort ouf their feelings.

And if you mean the royal family scene...well, ask your dad how'd he feel and what'd he want to do with your uncle when that incident happen, then feel free to compare that to whatever you think Algard deserves as 'punishment'.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2019
Because apparently exile + disownment + being used as living subject for experiments is 'slap to the wrist' for you, it makes me wonder how bad of a punishment you think is 'proper'

Which you never answered btw, so I can only guess.
But since you never say execution is too far I can 'only guess' it's within your ideas.
I'm pretty sure I mentioned at least once somewhere in the thread that I want him to be tortured/face corporal punishment. Hell, I even edited my first comment to make that clear. Please stop ignoring and twisting my opinion into things that you think up.

Ah yes, because nobody is showing open hatred for him, clearly it must mean they all have 'forgiven' him /s
Literally all the named characters have appeared in a single chapter, all of them more or less said they don't blame him for what happened. Name me one MAJOR CHARACTER who actually doesn't forgive him please, I would love to see that, really.
Again, were your dad/grandpa constantly out for blood of your uncle or did they try to move on with their lives?
Because your own family's example and your demand or what should happen to Algard seem to be contradicting.
how in the world do you think that NOT FORGIVING SOMEBODY is equal to OUT FOR BLOOD??? Seriously what's going on with your brain?
I said my father moved on, but it took time (5 years to be exact) and that's what I want to see happens. People forgive, but not soon or immediately like in the manga.
The scene with Lainie and Euphy talking to Algard happen after purging that other noble's family, which means IT TOOK TIME before this happen. Y'know, time to sort ouf their feelings.
That was like, days, weeks at most. It's still stupidly fast and unrealistic.
And if you mean the royal family scene...well, ask your dad how'd he feel and what'd he want to do with your uncle when that incident happen, then feel free to compare that to whatever you think Algard deserves as 'punishment'.
I did. I actually had to ask to know that it took my father 5 years to forgive my uncle. My dad was sad/furious at my uncle when the accident happened, and he had wanted to cut ties with my uncle entirely. But his mom and extended family convinced him not to. Then with my uncle trying to be better and repair the relationship + my father trying to understand my uncle's situation and sympathize with him, they finally reached an understanding, and my father forgave my uncle.

As you can see from my example above, my uncle had to put effort into fixing the relationship and my father had to take 5 years to make peace with the past and let it go.
Meanwhile, the prince tried to kill 2 people (and betraying their trust in him in the process), then he said sorry to them and those same 2 people just forgive him right away.

Putting the two situations side by side like this, do you still not see why I have beef with this whole thing? If so, I really don't have anything more to say, since I keep repeating the same old thing and you keep ignoring me or twisting my words to argue.
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018
So it make this part actualy funny, as you ignore the specifics to try and juge other.

Try typing back a reply when you're not shaking in anger at being called out. Not that I was calling you out specifically. Can't take your fantasy reasoning being criticized?

I mean, that's what it is. You're basically operating on, as I pointed out, fictional logic where characters have a simple and sweeping reaction to good and bad. With no concern for their own feelings, their relationships, the politics, the customs or the culture.

Person did bad, let's count up their "sins" anime power level style and execute him! Come on. Anis has clearly given her side of the story, and it's also clear to all why he did what he did. Nobody was actually killed either, and in the worst case, Anis the now future Queen will not let him die for something she knows he actually did for her. He's also cooperating to root out the real traitors.

The guy is being punished and sent away. Royals being banished for attempted regicide was a common practice in the Holy Roman Empire and it's affiliates/contemporaries, it's not the same as a noble or commoner attempting it. Banishment is an ACTUAL PUNISHMENT, which you seem to just not be able to accept. He's lost his status, his freedom, his future. He'll be under house arrest indefinitely. HES EFFECTIVELY IMPRISONED FOR LIFE. Even if his life will probably be somewhat more comfortable than a common criminal.

But I wonder if you have an ounce of empathy to be able to see that. Al's mother's reaction for example, perfectly shows us (not tells) the dynamics at play here. That his family knows why he did it. I should also point out it doesn't mean they forgave him, just that they understand. The rest is just the fact that he's their (the king and queen) son.

Stop living in fantasy. You say fiction is rooted in the real world, but it's you whose applying only fictional and unrealistic logic to your viewpoint.

Speaking more generally, I can't help but also point out the irony of pushing for the kind of lack of empathy and royal intimidation that made Al so unpopular as their royal heir in the first place. While the opposite is why Anis is the favored candidate, and touted to be the key to reforming the noble class and magic ministry. It's not just the specifics of the story, it's like you lot are reading this entire series on autopilot.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2021
He got disowned, banished to the end of the country and will have to live his life as a test subject being experimented on so they can understand vampirism. Not sure how you got “a slap on the wrist” from that.
Not to mention he isn't exactly a fully fledged adult himself, and he was instigated by others to take those actions. Others which were severely punished, and a entire family executed.

Furthermore following his actions he also acted with serious remorse and humility, and fully accepted responsibility for his actions(prepared for whatever punishment would be given to him without protest).

I completely understand how dumb the trope of singing kumbaya with the bad guy after beating him and they all live happily ever after like nothing ever happened.

But this is not one of those times at all.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2023
Let me know.
great another idiot who thinks that all he got was a slap on the wrist. let me know when you can actually properly understand what took place in this chapter cause you and the other two apparently arent very bright.

If you want to know what happens to a human test subject then read Death Mage Doesnt Want a Fourth Time. go read what happened to Van in that series, where his mum sold him to be a test subject, get back to me on if you think being a test subject is all sunshine and daisies.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
I'm pretty sure I mentioned at least once somewhere in the thread that I want him to be tortured/face corporal punishment. Hell, I even edited my first comment to make that clear. Please stop ignoring and twisting my opinion into things that you think up.

Implying you expect people to go read your old posts all the time to 'keep up'

Also, did you miss the implication of him being living test subject? You called that 'slap on a wrist' but the idea of him being put through what others might call 'torture' never get into your head?
Especially considering one of the vampire trait shown is high regenerative power.

Literally all the named characters have appeared in a single chapter, all of them more or less said they don't blame him for what happened. Name me one MAJOR CHARACTER who actually doesn't forgive him please, I would love to see that, really.

Ah yes let's go back to not being able to differentiate being 'forgiving' and 'not holding a grudge'
Or that there's such thing as in-chapter passage of time (y'know, Euphy being bedridden unable to move at the start of chapter and recovered enough to come have that talk)

how in the world do you think that NOT FORGIVING SOMEBODY is equal to OUT FOR BLOOD??? Seriously what's going on with your brain?

Say the person who suggest torture?

I actually had to ask to know that it took my father 5 years to forgive my uncle. My dad was sad/furious at my uncle when the accident happened, and he had wanted to cut ties with my uncle entirely. But his mom and extended family convinced him not to.

So it didn't take him 5 years to go from sad/furious to not so.
i.e. he didn't 'forgive' him, but also not as sad/furious either.

It's almost like there's a spectrum of sort and not just 'forgive' and 'not forgive'

Putting the two situations side by side like this, do you still not see why I have beef with this whole thing?

Still nope, because you seem to ignore the EXILE part of his sentence would means that this is likely the last time they'll ever meet.
There's no 'taking time' for redemption, if they don't put this emotional baggage down it'll just stick with them forever.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 13, 2019
Executing entire family is pretty big thing, i hope no innocent children there in the family
Aggregator gang
Jul 2, 2019
Weebs jumping through hoops to justify another shitty anime trope of MCs forgiving murderous villains.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
Dude attempts to kill a Noble's daughter (should have been actual murder, but the author clearly doesn't have the balls)and attempts to kill the countries Princess/his sister and all he gets is banished. If he was a commoner, he'd have been publicly executed. Now look I never expected the King to be able to kill his own son, few in media can, but it just feels like he's getting off too easy and THIS is what made me drop the anime and had me close to dropping the manga.

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