a emperor's son marrying a counts daugher... only if their culture doesnt care about ranks, its a shame to the family... this will make their prestige drop to the floor... what benefit can their get from a count anyway?? unless the girl was a genius, beauty or very strong, but she doesnt seems to be any... just a useless b*tch... wait, maybe his father doesnt wish for that prince to inherit, so he is maiming him, yeah, it should be that.
btw, the ranks seems to be messed up, the duchess should have king/queen rank, or that emperor is actually a king.
after playing ck2 for a while I started to be nitpicking about it... >.>
@solipsist is not the shadows, she is having nightmares, kinda normal since she used to be abused... or it may have something to do with her father and those chains in his home.