The Perks of Working in the Black Magic Industry - Vol. 3 Ch. 12 - Stop That Succubus Matchmaking!

Aug 23, 2018
Was about to write something similar. This single cliche is worse in my opinion than most others, I tend to drop manga when they do it nowadays.
Aggregator gang
May 15, 2019
I'm having fun with this, and we see an interesting side of demon-culture. The fact that female succubi fear the power of their Incubi NTR-Master (though, ironically, female succubi must also be NTR masters) other halves is pretty funny. It's a good challenge and fun for the group. That the Sister is trying to help her is also interesting.

I'm confused about the people offering progressive 21st-Century Western parenting and relationship advice to two characters (father and daughter ) who are clearly intended as representative of an elite, racial, and East Asian caste system. No (Un-Americanized) Asian parent who practices marriage selection gives a shit if their child prefers the same sex or is in love with their selected partner (they may look for some compatibility if they are being somewhat considerate), they're still getting married and having kids, however many affairs they have on the side.

The guy who mentioned pulling the contract card is on a solid line of reasoning though.
Mar 6, 2018
I hope nobody is seriously contemplating actual NTR in this happy go lucky manga, It'd be... one of the most jarring tone shifts I've ever seen in manga, even more than that manga, and even that other one.

Like, this has to be one of the most positive chill things I've read in a genre like this for a long time.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 11, 2018
Can't wait for the 2 panel NTR next chapter

@Firefly You can't just SAY THAT and not give the names
Pls, help a man out, i love those shock twists
Active member
Jan 27, 2018
@dabes115 I'm betting one of them is Gal Cleaning. Don't read it, it's not a good twist, it's just incredibly jarring and out of nowhere and then the manga got axed.
Double-page supporter
Oct 29, 2019
Ugh, that cliché plot back at it again. Just gotta pushed through this and then back to happy go lucky manga with harem and Ecchi with the Mc. GOTTA hang in there for a chapter or two.
Mar 6, 2018
@dabes115 Seems other people are more than willing to help you out ;)

Man, there are quite a few like that now that I think about it... It's a bit old now, but anyone remember how Air Gear once the author went a bit nuts? Hah.
Active member
Jul 9, 2019
The good thing about our mc is that, he doesn't even feel depressed or shown his worries. Unlike most other no-backbone mc.
Apr 19, 2019
This author is really going after Japanese 'traditions'. First there was marriage to the company, no matter how poorly you were treated: the iconic 'death by overwork'. Now comes the 'arranged marriage/interview for marriage against wishes'. Makes me wonder what's next...perhaps fixing herbivore males who have zero interest in reproduction in general and sex in specifics with the opposite gender.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2020
There is literally a word for the offspring of a succubus / incubus and a human: Cambion.
Maybe they don't exist in this manga world, but then the guy could just as easily be lying. There IS precedent for such things.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@The5thSeraph That is kind of the thing, I suppose. There's pretty much a precedent for anything in fiction, such as both vampire and werewolf hybrids in one setting, or the two being 100% lethal to each other in another. Or both of those things being true in the same setting. Shit's kinda all over the place.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2020
Cambions are a pretty oldschool concept last I checked. We're not talking modern speculative fiction. The Malleus Maleficarum predates even Mary Shelley's Frankenstein by over 3 centuries and goes on about demons breeding with humans The term cambion got latched onto that much later though, but we're still talking 19th century here.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@The5thSeraph Frankly, can't say I'm disappointed that a book like that one doesn't have a larger influence on a comedic harem manga. That thing was more or less religious propaganda that pushed for people committing atrocities against their neighbors for knowing a little too much about herbal medicine and bullshit like that. Which would then go on to be abused to just get rid of anyone you didn't particularly like, because people went way overboard with a guilty until proven innocent mentality while using murder as a means to prove innocence.

I think I can forgive a Japanese author, who is likely referencing RPGs as it is, for not overly looking into that sort of material to reference "witchcraft" and "demonology" as written by crazed fanatics.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2020
Do keep in mind how many manga and anime series are pretty much just bad Bible fanfiction. The amount of Japanese fiction that straight up rips on mythology and books of religious nonsense is frankly vast. Some obviously receive preferential treatment over others. But still, by this point the whole "cambion" thing has spread well beyond the rantings of a middle age religious zealot and spread fairly substantially throughout western fantasy canon... largely courtesy of Dungeons & Dragons.
So while it wouldn't surprise me for the entire topic to be overlooked, it does surprise me that they would outright state that it can't happen. I mean if Japan has heard of Dhampyrs, it seems bizarre that they wouldn't have heard of Cambions.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@The5thSeraph But like I said, if anything is being referenced here it's probably other stuff from Japan that was only ever vaguely referencing anything as old as the Malleus Maleficarum. Second or third hand, if not further disconnected, information from the western fantasy stuff, pumped into older Japanese manga, anime, novels, and games. They've got enough of their own takes that have developed over the years on anything they've borrowed from the West by now that that'd be where most of them look. While there's about a 0% chance the author has never seen the offspring of a human and a demon somewhere in what they are most likely to be familiar with, I do highly doubt that it even really resembled a cambion by that point, let alone went by that name.

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