@CountryMage: I see that chain and it is true, that people like to hide behind gods and stuff. Therefore using a corrupted organized religion as big bad is not illogical, but there are two things that start to rub my the wrong way:
1. If there is a bad church, it's always a religion that dresses up as the catholic church of the dark ages. There are priests, nuns, bishops of some kind and some sort of pope. And all are dressed up in vestments or nun outfits fitting to that theme and they wear fancy hats. Even if they aren't monotheistic, like in this manga they pray to spirits, they still look like the church and they are even called the church. How about calling them the Temple and let them dress up like priests in ancient Greece or Egypt? Polytheistic religions as theme would fit even better. The authors single out the catholic church as base for all corrupt religions, not because for vile or antagonistic reasons, but because people recognize the theme and they don't dare to do something different. Sooooo blaaaahhhhhhhhhhh
2. It's religion and religion and religion allllll over again. People don't turn greedy because of religion, they abuse it! Instead of a >god< in your chain, replace it with >money< and you end up with a different, but similar chain: Tough guy conquers fertile lands > I'm rich now, I buy some grunts and therefore I am King > I should be king over there too, because I'm a good, rich king > You know what, I've been spending (your) tax money a lot, also for public stuff, our economy is thriving and that's not because of your work, but because of me. You should be thanking me >
Our My Economy has dominion over all consumers in the neighboring country too ... aso what ever that guy think of next.
And it doesn't have to be a king either. Any, just any person or group of people in/with power are fine as big bad. But nearly without fail, the authors pick a church.
No surprises, no excitement. Just the bad aftertaste of the cookie-cutter approach.