Seems like the author forgot those guys are supposed to be dragons. Since when would a dragon give a damn about some puny fairy's threats? I'm kind of worried for the author's health. I hope she's getting enough rest and exercise.
@kaarme i'm several months late but keep in mind that the fairies dictate all use of magic. they could bring the dragons to ruin if they wanted to, dragons rely on magic too. there's way too many for them to kill, plus that'll just bring the wrath of the whole fairy empire upon them. not a smart move lmaoo
@meijune In that case that world should have never had dragons in the first place. Because they aren't dragons in this story. I don't know what exactly they are. It's fiction and fantasy, so the author has full control, but what's the point of taking the name of a well established mythological creature and then using that name for a totally different being?
@Kaarme depends on where you get your information on dragons and fairies. Modern stories fairies are weaker. Ancient stories high-ranking fairies are strong like dragons and lower faires outnumber them.
These faires seem more like ancient ones. Powerful magical tricksters who have an affinity to Nature. That also will take everything you say literally. Only real difference between the manga and the Pagan Mythos is there power is Elemental instead of Seasonal