Watashi no Yuri wa Oshigoto desu! - Vol. 12 Ch. 58 - What I Want to Protect

Dex-chan lover
Apr 11, 2023
Holy shit that wasn't a slap it was straight up a fist.
I'm not one for violence but I think most would have if you saw someone close to you get (sexually) assaulted.
BUT imo, i don't think anything happened between those two
Yeah, but seeing that bitch gets fucking punched made my day.
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2023
In short, Goeidou's chosen method is forced and definitely wrong, but she has thrown in Kanoko's face that she is doing wrong.
She must confront Hime immediately while it is too late in spite of poor Sumika who will surely be hurt by it (I hope she will sever her relationship with Kanoko and go back to Nene).
As Hime has said in the past, an unspoken thing is as if it never existed and is an untrue thing.
By behaving that way she ended up hurting all the people involved (Hime, Yano, Sumika) and distancing herself from them...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Oh yeah, what bitch wanted to accomplish wasn't wrong, but gaslighting somebody to get said person ro do the "right" thing is totally wrong, fucked up, and hurtful. I'm so glad Sumika punched that smug off her face...
I am pretty sure she expected that punch.. It’s all according to Kekyaku..
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2023
We all know that Goeidou is a scumbag and always has been. And I'd never ever ever condone rape in anyway but sorry even this can't make me like Kanako I still hate her character even more than Goeidou and that's saying a lot.

So next chapter does that shitty Kanako break up with Sumika because she admits her feelings for Hime? WHO GIVES A SHIT. She doesn't deserve Sumika anyway.

I swear please after this volume is done can we actually see some Yano/Hime? Like wtf have they been doing for the last three fuckin volumes of this manga? Just being nothing but background characters? Actually getting closer? GIVE US SOMETHING.

I still really love this manga but please get Kanako out of the damn spotlight already ugh.

Thanks for the chapter.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 7, 2020
"To gaslight someone means to manipulate another person into doubting their own perceptions, experiences or understanding of events, according to the American Psychological Association."
Was Kanoko really beign gaslit? I'm not trying to defend Goeidou, she's clearly a fucked up person, and she crossed a line there, even though I don't think she actually did anything to Kanoko. She deserved that punch.

But she was trying to """help""" Kanoko (in an extremely abusive way) to face her true feelings, because what she's doing right now to Sumika is going to hurt both of them in the long run.

I think Goeidou is a "the end justify the means" person taken to the extreme, which we've already seen with how she tryed to help Nene with Sumika. She seems to have a beef with people who deny their feelings for some reason, and she's clearly a psicopath.

Was what she did to Kanoko horrible and abusive? Of course yes, I think she should even be arrested because as far as we know Kanoko is a minor and she brought her to a love hotel, that alone should be reason enough. Still, I don't think what she did counts as gaslighting because she didn't try to make Kanoko doubt her feelings or think she was being crazy or stupid, totally the opposite.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 21, 2019
The punch was nice but when are they putting the sexual predator in some handcuffs and stripped uniform?
Fed-Kun's army
May 21, 2019
I finally get what the Domestic Kanojo fans meant when they described their enjoyment of that manga as watching a trainwreck in slow motion. I'm glad that Sumika and Kanoko's character development is progressing, but this arc has been way too melodramatic.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 10, 2019
one of my top 10 non-"battle" punches. up there with Luffy punching Charlosse.

no matter the genre, a punch delivered after well written villainy is more satisfying than any superhuman feat.
Apr 1, 2019
Wow, I am so loving this manga, it feels like I am in the room feeling all the emotions. The author is so good and the story is outstanding. Thanks for the translation and the chapter

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