Watashitachi wa Moto Joshi desu - Ch. 10

Active member
Sep 6, 2019
Sep 24, 2020
False equivalence. Yes, the brainrot is real.

Wow. You managed to find a study that shows that transgender suicide attempts in San Francisco, a beacon of acceptance and progressive tolerance, has the same higher-end suicide rate as... India.

...You somehow think this is helping your argument? When you just proved my argument for me?

Netherlands only study, nothing to disprove my claims. Unless you want to argue the Netherlands is a bastion of anti-trans hate.

Hollywood only study focusing on only 99 transwomen. Suicide rate is also comparable with the above figures of the low-end range of San Francisco.

Nothing to disprove my argument.

Year long study among Ontario with 380 reports with an 11.2% reported suicide rate. The lowest yet. And the same study also claims that completed suicide attempts is unknown (...fucking how?).

Ah, but there's a catch:

...So the 11.2% attempted suicide rate for the past year is actually higher than the average of Canada/Europe/United States in this case. Whoops.

Not kind of. Does. And I'm stating what the evidence points to.

Hormone therapy only study. Not applicable. Did you... not read it?

Also some interesting tidbits from that study:

Repeat source.

Also, interesting tidbits:

Another repeat source (you're getting even lazier).

Problem here.

The study does not state what percentage or decrease this does. And the study it's referencing does not either.

104 person study and not about surgical transitions.

Wow. Sample size of... 24 people... and even the study itself admitting there's not enough data to do a proper statistical analysis. Impressive.

And how can the surgery be helping when it's the same suicide rate or worse?

You can't have this cake and eat it as well.

Considering I just went through your entire rapid-fire attempt of sources and none of them actually back you up or disprove me... Hollow words.

"Only" increased suicide risk.


"Gish gallops
"MIsrepresentation of statistics"
"Scientifically illiterate"

The movie theater is calling, they want their projectionist back.

I'm sorry, was I mentioning gender affirming care as a whole? No? Then straw man argument.
God you're insufferable. Concern-trolling about trans people to spout garbage that, by your own evidence, doesn't support your point of view, and responding with condecending hostility to actual arguments against your point. Having gender-affirming care is a choice. Comparing it to lobotomies which were in large part involuntary is ludocrious. You're obviously not arguing in good faith. If the suicide rate is teh same, then you cannoyt definitively prove that it's linked to the deaths. Correlation is not causation. Get lost layman. The only reason you care so much obviously isn't because of your concern for the wellbeing of trans people, otherwise you'd side with what the community actually wants!
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
God you're insufferable.

And you think you aren't?

Concern-trolling about trans people to spout garbage that

We are not on Twitter.

by your own evidence, doesn't support your point of view

Except that it does. Apparently you can't read, either. Actually, we have proof that you can't read later on in your post.

and responding with condecending hostility to actual arguments against your point.

You're one of the most disingenuous people in this entire thread if you actually think that. I'm responding to condescension and hostility with it in return. You're so god damn biased that you don't even realize you're guilty of it yourself.

Having gender-affirming care is a choice.

Straw man argument. Never said this wasn't.

Comparing it to lobotomies which were in large part involuntary is ludocrious.

Straw man argument. Not what I said. And you're doing exactly what I said you lot would do: misconstrue it as comparing the two when I wasn't. And, yeah, this is proof you can't read.

You're obviously not arguing in good faith.

LMAO. Get the fuck out of here with your weapons-grade hypocrisy.

Correlation is not causation.

"Unless is matches with our opinion, then it definitely is."
Last edited:
Sep 24, 2020
And you think you aren't?

We are not on Twitter.

Except that it does. Apparently you can't read, either. Actually, we have proof that you can't read later on in your post.

You're one of the most disingenuous people in this entire thread if you actually think that. I'm responding to condescension and hostility with it in return. You're so god damn biased that you don't even realize you're guilty of it yourself.

Straw man argument. Never said this wasn't.

Straw man argument. Not what I said. And you're doing exactly what I said you lot would do: misconstrue it as comparing the two when I wasn't. And, yeah, this is proof you can't read.

LMAO. Get the fuck out of here with your weapons-grade hypocrisy.

"Unless is matches with our opinion, then it definitely is."
Yeah yeah paint yourself as the victim here while showcasing the suicide rates of marginalized people, and for what exactly? Your personal views on restriction? Just because you think you covered yourself by saying "I didn't actually compare them" doesn't make you immune lmao. That's like a kid pretending there's a force field. My "opinion" is to stand with the trans community and what they want to do. With the likelihood of them geting murdred just for being trans, it's the least one can do to let them have access to the care that THEY say helps them.

And throwing around informal fallacies like a self-appointed ref doesn't make my argumets invalid either. This isn't reddit. Stop concern-trolling.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2019
I take issue because the word "transphobic" is used to paint the mother as an intrinsically bad person, which she obviously isn't, in my opinion.

Transphobic for me, would mean she outright refuses for Rinko to transition for specious reasons, gaslight her by saying she always thought she would be better as a boy, or say that she wouldn't be "a real woman".
she did say that doing the surgery wouldn't make Rinko a real woman though, literally.
Aggregator gang
Nov 7, 2019
Not gonna lie, the jump from magical funny sex change to the mother saying “you sure you wanna cut your dick off??” is some serious tonal whiplash lmao. It’s not fire force level author-insert cringe, but damn if it ain’t jarring. Sure there was a little foreshadowing in ch7, but I didn’t expected to get blasted with this.

Can’t say I’m not a little concerned as to where the author intends to go from here, to say the least. I’m sensing some nuclear hot takes on their way to jumpscare me in future chapters lol.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 23, 2018
It is better to have a normally functioning body than to live on the crutches of hormone therapy, which most likely will not make you healthier nor happier. Especially in the long term.

People read genderswap manga particularly because they know that complete and smooth transition irl impossible.
Active member
Mar 13, 2018
Can't decide if this chapter is trans-positive or transphobic.

Her decision to go through the operation or stay in her current body will not make this manga trans-positive or transphobic, just like guy isekaied as a woman and being OP doesn't make the manga feminist. It's still just fantasy manga.

This is more about exploring than judging reality. This isn't a real life situation, as MC didn't have to struggle with a different gender for many years, and the plot forced the heroine into changing the gender more in the manner of exploring how the sudden change of sex would affect the MC and her friends.
Mom (and a plot device) doesn't say "operation is bad i forbid". She wants the MC to be more sure of her decision (and plot wants to be about exploring that sudden gender change). I think this manga is more about gender fluidness than transgender.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2019
No. She didn't say that.

She said she shouldn't expect to go back to exactly how she was before. Which is true, however you slice it. Harsh, but true.
And how she was before is a woman. Like an actual woman. Now she's a man and no matter what surgery she does or how many hormones she pump into her, she's not gonna be a woman again

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