The fact that this question was asked is so wild to me. Like, five years ago, the idea thst she might be asexual would not have been on the average reader's mind. Now the 'possibly LGBTQ+??' lens infects all of our readings.
She wants to continue her relationship with him now, publicly. This is a uniquely intimate relationship, not seen in her relationship with other guys, and not even with the other two girls - she is not able to be so vulnerable and open about her interests, hobbies, passion, and dreams with any of the other cast.
But she also doesn't want her relationship to suddenly change because of dating, and wants to be sure, (and make sure Inuyama knows), that it will not come with a sudden change in the area of physical intimacy.
She asks whether he still wants to date her knowing that because she's insecure about what she has to bring to the table - "If we're not going to get physically intimate, would he really still want to go out with me? Does he expect to be aggressive and seductive like Anna?"
She absolutely is all over the place, but the reasons are given in the text, that is, the 'text' that is the manga story, and the literal text on the page.
Real wild to me that anyone, even if just a few, could read such a different possibility into it.