Yofukashi no Uta - Vol. 5 Ch. 43 - I can't agree with what you're thinking

Dex-chan lover
Sep 25, 2018
Tell the police she was sexually harassing a minor and trying to have sex with you. Boom. That's how you reverse the situation, MC. Use your head a little. You also wouldn't be lying because she actually did offer that.
Active member
Mar 6, 2019
@lionfromnorth It doesn't reverse anything. It still doesn't remove the fact that he's out at night. If he reports her he gonna get dragged back to the police anyway for testimony.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
Plot Twist: She's the type of vampire that doesn't suck blood and they're at war against the vampires that do.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 20, 2018
Why is MC even called a middle schooler ? He looks and acts nothing like one, so frustrating to create weird ass situations like this one, he could easily be 16-18.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2018
The obvious solution here is that Nazuna ends up with Yamori-kun as a permanant platonic friend, if Yamori can end up convincing the rest of the vampires to not kill him.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
@rh75 well from what it's worth, it's kind of hinted that the friend is "dating" a vampire, but he still doesn't know, so the irony will be great (and maybe used to see once again the darkness in his vampire friends)

@stygianking yeah, like bullying or pretty much breaking people into suicide or turn hikkikomori, suuuure... but sucking blood, daaamn, kill that hellspawn
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Asking a vampire hunter about their opinion on vampires is like asking a Nazi for their opinion on Jews. Kinda stupid. Clearly things are not as black and white as she's pretending. Especially ridiculous when it's coated with the ridiculous justification of "I can't do anything about humans and the comparably awful stuff they do other humans because.... uh.... reasons? But Vampires are to kill because.... uh.... reason?". What a hypocritical character with a very poorly though out position.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
You seemed to miss the fact that she was literally sweating bullets when doing that. If we take things at face value, I mean.

Regardless, any person that even jokes about that shit is a bad person.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 26, 2019
Why they all messing up with my best couple? Damn! He could ask that menhera dude too... Of course asking about the enemy of someone will lead to bad results...

Thanks for the chapter!
Active member
Jan 30, 2019
@tomtom78 This is pretty consistent with how middle schoolers in anime and manga act, so him being a middle schooler seems fine. Plus I acted like this when I was a middle schooler.
Active member
Feb 5, 2018
TBH I would like to know how ,in a world where anyone that knows of vampires is either made a vampire, a servant or killed, a person can become a vampire hunter. This is not your typical vampire setting, after all ... no church or ancient society to accomodate our would-be Van Helsings , for starters.

I wonder if our vampire hunter is actually a ex-servant of some ( dead or not ) vampire. It seems to me the more logical backround to a vampire hunter in this setting ... you would know of them ( even be familiar with their weaknesses ), would not be killed and , like we seen about Menhera, you get a boost in your physical abililties ( something you would need to hunt vampires in here ). Or worse, she is a vampire herself ... ( that would explain her unheathy attraction by the MC ... apparently all the female vampires around tend to salivate when he gets close ;) )
Group Leader
Jan 28, 2018
now correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't nazuna ageless/immortal and thus technically way older than kou? i know at the very least she's old enough to drink alcohol. IMO it's a teeny tiny bit late to be getting squicked out by seeing adults hitting on kids in this story. not making excuses for her as yes, obviously, that's bad, but also if you can't look past that kind of thing in a comic whatsoever then like... where have you been for the last 42 chapters?
she's pretty bad for that though lmao. more came off as joking to me but who knows? that's the annoying thing about plausible deniability.
Active member
Feb 5, 2018

She has a Virtual Boy, a somewhat rare thing to get nowadays. That and the ancient cellphone she has around point to the mid-90s as the last time she had a decent connection with human society ( sure , she has newer consoles, but no newer phone ... ). So, I would guess she became a vampire in 1995-96 the latest.

So, given her physique, at worse she was atleast a teenager in the mid 90s. So, 40+ years, I guess.

Yeah, there is some squick factor if you put it that way.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 14, 2019
in UQ Holder, the age difference is arround +500 years. the thing is, Yukihime still a loli vampire,she still had a little girl personality inside despite the ages

dunno if same thing apply here
Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2018
@lionfromnorth Doesn't resolve anything, first of all, he's still a middle schooler wandering the streets at night by himself, she is the one who reported him and she could just say that he's lying, no cop would believe him, and no matter what happens, he'd be forced to go home and his mother would stop him from leaving home by himself.
@Yautja What an awful comparison, and her point is very clear. A single human cannot do anything about 7 billion humans, and it's illegal to do so anyways, but she clearly knows how dangerous vampires are are therefore tries her best to keep humans safe from them.

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