@Rennis_Tora That's actually the most believable aspect. The more advanced warfare becomes, the greater the trend towards utilitarian uniforms that have little differentiation between ranks; "the fancy hat policy" is a way I've seen it referred. Basically, in previous ages, officers and the like had more elaborate uniforms, making them easily recognizable. This is good for your own troops, since it lets them easily find their superiors in an emergency, but it's also good for your enemy's troops, since it allows them to single out officers and destroy the chain of command during battle. This is less of an issue when your officers are surrounded by a platoon of soldiers and your enemies can't be incredibly accurate over longer distances with a bow or even crossbow, because of the drop off. Once you introduce rifles to the battlefield, though, where you can accurately snipe a single target from 2-300 yards away, you can begin to see why having your officers immediately recognizable as officers isn't the best idea. By contrast, the simplicity of modern uniforms, where rank is really only visible on the collar or perhaps the shoulders, gives them quite a bit of protection against being singled out.