Yondome wa Iya na Shizokusei Majutsushi - Ch. 60 - The Shadow That Corrupts the Slave Mine

Dex-chan lover
Apr 10, 2018
If you think it's ridiculous now, just wait until later on.
Last I remember from the novel (approx. chapter 290), it was around
10,000,000,000 Mana

Not sure about the latest chapters,
Dropped the novel cause the translator's a hack.

New translator picked it up and goes at a good clip.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 14, 2018
If I remember well, doesn't he get the huge load of mana because Shitcorte removed his cheat skill, leaving empty spaces in his soul? That plus his soul being the way it is...
(Well, that and other "spoiler worthy" reasons)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2023
Seriously, 300M+ mana is ridiculous, especially for someone that was supposed to practically die on birth or shortly thereafter.
The God had nerfed him so much he basically had nill chance of surviving for very long, and was born to a family that was already close to being killed, meaning the God basically designed it so he was supposed to die in the crib.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still enjoying reading the manga and look forward to each translate releas, but still, that's just seriously ridiculous...
there's actually a valid reason as to why he had that much mana
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2020
60 chapters in is a weird time to complain about this. The absurd mana pool has been a plot solver for a long time prior to this
I've been complaining about it ever since he started figuring out he had way more mana than most - if not all - experienced mana users, now is just the first time I notice just how absurd his mana pool is, because now we have numbers.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 26, 2023
Seriously, 300M+ mana is ridiculous, especially for someone that was supposed to practically die on birth or shortly thereafter.
The God had nerfed him so much he basically had nill chance of surviving for very long, and was born to a family that was already close to being killed, meaning the God basically designed it so he was supposed to die in the crib.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still enjoying reading the manga and look forward to each translate releas, but still, that's just seriously ridiculous...
If you think it's ridiculous now, just wait until later on.
Last I remember from the novel (approx. chapter 290), it was around
10,000,000,000 Mana

Not sure about the latest chapters,
Dropped the novel cause the translator's a hack.
Latest translated (372) status shows 107,376,501,237 with skills that increase regeneration and one that 'enlarged' it even further, effectively double it so roughly about 215B. In his final battle he having 520B. For comparison Heinz, in final battle having slightly less than 100K
The god did wanted him dead so he did make every precautions he could think about, unfortunately other gods interfere. :02:
It would be ridiculous if he could used his mana on something, and, like you noticed himself, half crippled and need to work around his limitations. The Death Attribute not that much useful in direct fight, It's greatest support magic tho, in my opinion. He can bypass them but at a cost of ridiculous amount of mana. So amount of mana is a gimmick so far, sometimes even detrimental, he cannot use body enhancing magic at all or his body explode in a tiny pieces. He can used properly only now since he god Levia and other flame ghost.And the Blood that he ate.
I think it good way in storytelling, not making hero OP too fast and keeping a tension up. Something similar made in a "Death March" manga. MC, despite being Gary Stu, is a tone deaf, as a result cannot learn to chant and need to bypass it. Unfortunate result, he can use magic only up to a certain level locking him out of most mid and all high ranking ones.
Is that something that will be revealed later on, or?
Part 1 and 2 probably were cut from manga in a chapter where god realized that MC still alive:
  1. Because he didn't receive blessing, power and destiny from Idiot God
  2. Because he was cursed
  3. Because his soul created from Four people who were champions of Great Gods including Vida's.(Funnily enough because god didn't give him blessing, he didn't touch his soul directly and didn't notice it)
All this factor contribute to what God called 'Empty Frame' and his amount of mana as a result.

@Galshmer He (translator) explicitly said that he would like concentrate on his Real Life and will translate in free time, so i find your complains weird.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
Seriously, 300M+ mana is ridiculous, especially for someone that was supposed to practically die on birth or shortly thereafter.
The God had nerfed him so much he basically had nill chance of surviving for very long, and was born to a family that was already close to being killed, meaning the God basically designed it so he was supposed to die in the crib.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still enjoying reading the manga and look forward to each translate releas, but still, that's just seriously ridiculous...
When Van was reincarnated, he slipped out of the others gods system into the dark goddess' system of that world. While he is still cursed, the world seems to be bending over backwards to get around said curses.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
That Ketchup hero need to die in worst way than the 1st reincarnation that just die. He need to DIE. Judging from Van reaction he’ll not let him live. Not even as a spirit.
You know even when I was reading the novel I never understood the hate boner you guys have for him. From what I recall his involvement began and ended with subduing Darcia and it’s easy to imagine adventurers taking a commission probably aren’t privy to all the circumstances.

Always only ever saw a dude genuinely trying to atone for something he regrets. I know this is ostensibly a revenge story but I like an antagonist that isn’t just a generically evil dude.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2023
I like how they try to show Heinz as being good and he would be but its all perspective. He is trying to "atone" but he didn't actually help anyone knew and did the exact same as always. He helped kill people and ruin a young boy and figured picking up 1 of the race would help him. It looks like they are still hiding that truth from the little girl but I'm expecting maybe the rest of his party to be executed so he feels the same way of having the people he cares about taken just for existing.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 16, 2018
Van give the former citizens the right to choose whether they'll return to Talosheim with him or go their own way.
Needless to say everyone will go with him.

Next it's time foooooor "are you worthy"
Starting with some criminal asking if they also have the right to choose to follow or go.
Van said they criminal slaves do have the right, but then execute him clarifying that those who's committed heinous crimes don't have that right (as in he put them in different category)

Then he goes on to give sentence to each person (one guy whose crime was just theft was told to do labor in Talosheim)
For people who were just sent here by the duke's order and aren't actual criminals, Van even remove their slave collars.
And while at it he also decide Eleonora's proven trustworthy enough to remove the poison ring on her tongue.

Chapter ends with a mystery person calling Van and how it must be fate they meet again.
Except Van don't know who this is.
The guy tried to walk that back but Eleonora forced him to confess...

He's Luciano, the guy who used the corpse girl to scout the noble orc settlement 5 years ago.
Oh is that...
the guy who got railed by the noble orcs while possessing said girl (lol), I was wondering whatever happen to him.
Do you also happen to know if he's a friend or a foe?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
Oh is that...
the guy who got railed by the noble orcs while possessing said girl (lol), I was wondering whatever happen to him.
Do you also happen to know if he's a friend or a foe?

Yes, that's him.

Given his attitude as the chapter ends + him being sent to the mine as punishment I'm leaning on possible ally.
At least since he's witnessed Van's power first hand he definitely wouldn't want to be an enemy.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2023
If I remember well, doesn't he get the huge load of mana because Shitcorte removed his cheat skill, leaving empty spaces in his soul? That plus his soul being the way it is...
(Well, that and other "spoiler worthy" reasons)
Got it a bit backwards. Rodiot didn't remove any cheat skills, rather he prepared a bunch of them for Van/Hiroto in advance because he knew someone with a huge soul was coming, but gave them to the wrong person. Without any cheats to take up space, Van is left with a massive mana pool, a side effect of which is that destiny attempts to fuck him over at every turn. (This is explained in, like, Chapter 1 and/or 2 of the novel, I think).

If you're wondering why Van has had such a good turn of fortune as Vandalieu, it's because When his soul was traveling to Lambda to be born, Vida woke up, saw it, got reminded of Zakkart and decided to bless it with a bit of luck, so it could live a happy life. This was enough to overpower most of the "shit destiny" effect.

You know even when I was reading the novel I never understood the hate boner you guys have for him. From what I recall his involvement began and ended with subduing Darcia and it’s easy to imagine adventurers taking a commission probably aren’t privy to all the circumstances.

Always only ever saw a dude genuinely trying to atone for something he regrets. I know this is ostensibly a revenge story but I like an antagonist that isn’t just a generically evil dude.
The reasons we hate Heinz are twofold. First, Darcia was the first nice thing to happen to Van in three (four) lifetimes.

Let's look at the facts:
  1. Life 1 (Hiroto Amamiya): Parents died when he was an infant, raised by an abusive aunt and uncle who squandered his inheritance and insurance money on themselves, denied him the most basic of necessities as "luxuries", and would beat him for the smallest thing, such as having a new pencil that a classmate gave him after seeing Hiroto's pencil box full of literal nubs. Dies trying to futilely save someone, which she doesn't even remember.
  2. Life 2 (Experiment Whatever): Sold at birth by his egg donor to a research facility, tortured and experimented on daily for twenty years, gets killed by his handler in a fit of pique, possesses and reanimates his own body with his unique new magic and stages a break from the facility along with the other experiments only to be mercilessly gunned down by the very people who were supposed to help him the moment he gets outside.
  3. Life 3 (Vandalieu): Stripped of most of his abilities and cursed to never gain power in the conventional ways, lives for one year with his new mother before said mother gets captured, tortured and executed.
    [*]Life 0 (Zakkart): Orphaned at a young age, had to work hard to make something of himself, summoned to fight in a war on another planet. The person who should be his best friend refuses to get along with him, he dies by being too much of a threat for the enemy to ignore, his soul then gets shattered by the demon king, and later on what's left gets composted by Rodcorte, along with the other soul fragments and the demon king's soul.
So, Van has gotten his first bit of happiness and unconditional love in multiple lifetimes, and the when it gets taken away from him the first thing he hears are people gassing up this "Heinz" fella as the one who caught his mother. So naturally, he swears a vendetta on the person who took away the one good thing that had ever happened to him. The whole thing is from his point of view, and all of us feel for the guy, so of course we side with him as the protagonist.

Secondly, and I had to have this explained to me as well, was meeting Selen in Orbaume, and hearing what Heinz has been doing since that night in Mirg. Van's reaction to hearing that Heinz has turned over a new leaf and begun protecting Dhampirs and their non-vampire parents as penance for what he did to Van and Darcia incurs the very logical response of "why couldn't you have come to that conclusion before you killed my mother?" And then after that, what really sealed the coffin is when, as in this chapter, Heinz went upstairs and let Edgar and Diana convince him that he was right and the vampire child was wrong because Heinz really was working to atone for his actions, and atoning nullified the crimes of his past. In that one moment, Ketchup's motivations went from atonement to sophistry, and everyone hates sophistry.

Third reason (I know I said two) is PR. Van is the protagonist, and we want him to succeed. Never mind the mental corruption, cult of personality or even the fact that in spite of those two qualities Van is a decent guy; he's the protagonist of the story, and we're reading it because we want him to succeed. Van wants to kill Heinz, so we want to seem him kill Heinz, and the story gets us into Van's head so we can understand his mindset. Or Van's mental corruption is crossing the realms of fiction and we're all twisted.

But, a certain type of person is going to like reading stories like these, where the protagonist isn't a good guy, but they still wanna see what happens. Whether they're a serial murderer (Summoned Slaughterer), a war criminal (Nidoume no Jinsei), a rapist (Redo of Healer), an amoral death god (Overlord) or whatever the hell Kazuma is, we're gonna get into their heads, and make their problems our problems for as long as we read the story, because we want them to succeed.

TL;DR We're all fucked in the head, get out while you still can.

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