i've come to the realization that apparently i'm the only person who thinks the twink from the previous chapter decided to turn around and get a healer for janice instead of seeking freedom. that's literally the only logical explanation seeing as there was no way she could move on her own to find a healer and she didn't have any money to pay for the healer after the twink took it all. only way for her to have gotten a healer would be if one just so happened to coincidently walk by, check the site for survivors or whatever and be generous enough to not charge for healing. all of that would have had to have happened before she died of her injuries.
Not impossible, but that would be horrible writing.
The author explicitly made the guy run away. The chapter could have stopped at him hesitating between the two routes, leaving the possibility open. Instead, it was an explicit choice to run away with the money.
Doing an off-screen backtrack would mean that anything shown on screen is untrustworthy and could be erased. Gram left with the troops? Psych! She actually hid under the dock and stayed on the island. Men can't use magic? Psych! There is a famous male court mage. If you can't trust what you read, nothing matters and the story is not a chain of events that impact each other. It's just a string of random events that happen without logic or consequences, and often
against logic and consequences.
It's more likely that she managed to convince some people to bring her to a cheap healer rather than a good one who could have healed her completely... but that she can't afford anymore since most of her money got stolen by her "lover".