Genjitsushugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki - Vol. 4 Ch. 17 - The Battle at the Outskirts of Randel

Dex-chan lover
Aug 23, 2018
Nothing this man-lion said was all that intelligent or devious. These side characters hamming him up as some evil genius is pretty stupid. The spoilers also were pretty obvious and borderline cop-out.

Only a fucking idiot would engage into that kind of plan without express consent from the ruler, and even then, with consent from either the current, past or both king(s), that dumb ass plan seriously fractures trust and public perception of one or both of them. Not to mention causes a shit ton of national instability, resentment, expends a great deal of money, life and more. This Duke is a fucking retard. There are much better ways to sniff out traitors and test a new king that don't involve gambling the entire livelihood of an entire country.
Oct 16, 2018
Angel is Lufasu Mafaalu from Yasei no Last Boss ga Arawareta!
Skeleton is Arc from Gaikotsu Kishi-sama, Tadaima Isekai e Odekake-chuu
The one with horns is Rou from Re:Monster
The cat-eared girl is Fran from Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita
Can't recognize the rest except for Naofumi.
Apr 19, 2018
@Neirj its all from lht works and girl under throne its girl from TENSEI KYUUKETSUKISAN WA OHIRUNE GA SHITAI and right guy near naofumi from Jaryuu Tensei
Oct 16, 2018
Actually, aside from what was already said.
They wanted to instigate Amidonia(the country that wants to invade them) to attack them so that they can turn the tables on them. They wanted to appear vulnerable to Amidonia by using this as a ruse when in fact, they are actually united. By the way, Duke Carmine does not actually use his own troops to fight against Souma.
The only troops that were killed were mostly the mercenaries hired by the nobles and their troops. Souma's troops were highly defended and they sandwich the rebels with the help of Duke Carmine's troops later on.
They wanted to deal with them now instead of having them join Amidonia, which would make them much more troublesome to deal with.
Yes, it fractures their image, that is why Duke Carmine was "executed".
Dex-chan lover
Aug 23, 2018
That is still an incredibly stupid and dangerous gamble to take. Especially when you consider all the surrounding factors and potential consequences. It's not like everyone was in on it, and there weren't other groundbreaking issues going on. Piling that risk on top of the mountain of already existing potential bombs is just ridiculous. That revelation turns the Duke from a potentially dangerous enemy to a lethally stupid and dangerous 'ally' who isn't worth keeping. Should have actually executed the moron.
Oct 16, 2018
Lethally stupid and dangerous might be an overstatement but I agree with most of what you said. The biggest problem is the Dragon Duke, if they handled it better, he would not have rebelled.

Edit: There is a fine line between stupid and genius. If it succeeds, it's genius; if not then it's stupid. This is an example of this, a radical strategy that would be hailed as one of the greatest strategies if it succeeds. Same with real world strategies, some of the greatest strategies of renowned generals from the past would actually be considered extremely stupid if they failed.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 23, 2018
Perhaps I'd be nicer if he wasn't piling that country ending issue onto a pile of country ending issues. Perhaps I'd not have called him that if his plan wouldn't have catastrophic negative results if it failed, regardless of external factors. Perhaps I'd have been nicer if the only reason his plan will succeed is because plot armour. Perhaps I'd have been nicer if his plan wasn't as filled with holes as Swiss Cheese.

As for your line, fuck no. There are criminally stupid things that work out all the time because of sheer luck. He'd be hailed as a moron who risked life and limb of the entire country instead of taking a less dangerous route and got extremely lucky. Betting your house on black jack and winning 10x it's worth isn't genius because it worked. It's sheer stupidity that you lucked out of. If Trump shot a nuke at Russia and told them they had 20 minutes to do X Y or Z, and they actually did X Y or Z, Trump didn't make a genius move, he got luckier than distilled leprechaun's cock and rabbit's foot. Success is not and never will be the sole determining factor between stupidity and genius. There is so much more to genius than success.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
This is officially beyond stupid, i dont even know how the Author thinks hes being clever here.
Officially dropping this shit now, its killing more brain cells than a shot gun to the head.


Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2018
Don't worry guys. we all already know the ending...

Everyone dies at the end

of their mortal lives

Jokes aside, @Doodmandood and Yautja discussion, Double spoilers didn't work on the more spoilery details.

1. They did NOT want to instigate Amidonia. They did but Amidonia was never 'part' of this immediate conflict . This was entirely George's plan to weed out the remaining bad nobles, forcing Soma to go along with it. Amidonia simply saw this 'chance' to attack. In other words, they are just a bonus. Nothing would have happened to them if they listened to their Princess and quietly sat in their corner. Soma found out about their attack and made countermeasures because Amidonia 'announced' it by sending a letter promising help to both George and Soma.

2. George was executed because of public relations, mostly to the mercernary country whose name i forgot. On George's side were nobles and the mercenaries. Since the entire thing is a ruse by George, the mercenaries died for nothing, especially if Soma spares George. This would start a war against the mercenary country, something Soma wants to avoid.

The two at the bottom have slightly extra spoiler stuff involving the true mastermind (who i didn't name) who is not Soma or George. I tried double spoilers, it didn't work. Sorry.

3. The Dragon Duke is an idiot. He was not told of the plan directly mostly because of Amidonia. How did Amidonia find out about George's potential rebellion before it started? That is because there is a spy somewhere. On top of that, the Dragon Duke is one of those rash types that probably can't keep a secret based on the open hostility he showed Soma. Another thing that needs to be pointed out is that Dragon Duke FAILS at managing territories. He is strictly a fighter, aka muscle brained. Despite that, he was given plenty of chances to listen to Excel(who is his mother-in-law if iirc)/think of his own family, and be a Duke in general. He didn't take it because he was loyal to the ex-King that refused to explain himself because time travel and also because he subscribed to Yoloism. Still, he has enough sense to cut ties with his family. Carla simply refused. In fact, everyone was REALLY counting on him to follow Excel's lead. He didn't.

4. George's plan to "sniff out nobles" is not a plan to sniff out nobles. It's a plan to gather them in one spot. In fact, they already have a list on traitors (dealings with Amidonia), criminals (embezzlement, etc), However, you would have to get to them one by one or even abuse power to permanently rid some of them. By then, the other corrupted nobles would take a hint and escape to other countries. In fact, they actually already have a list of who to kill, who is on the fence, etc. Now, lets talk about consequences. If you arrest the nobles, they serve their sentence and come back. You execute them, their children take over and may eventually take revenge. Gather them all and make them rebel? Their whole family gets executed. No more loose ends. George sees this as a way to protect the country and Liscia (who he treats as a daughter). He plans to make that sacrifice and die with those scum. It's also a sort of vengeance for him as these also the people that killed him, his 'daughter' and 'good friend' Liscia and Soma, and caused the Kingdom to fall to Amidonia. He knows about the time travel.

@boag How is this beyond stupid? It's only stupid at best. I have seen worse. *distant stare* I have seen... much... much worse. I have seen authors trying to put someone up on pedestal as a smart genius etc only for "Mister Genius Douchebag Strategist" to literally announce his 'strategy'(which could basically sum up to one word, ATTACK) to the enemy commander he is currently fighting against in the next sentence. There are no situational tricks (like diplomacy, loyalty, etc) like how this story is trying to portray. It's like playing a life and death chess match against your sworn enemy. Right before checkmating your foe, you decide to tell your foe how to checkmate you instead. Brilliant. Maybe you have higher standards but what would you call this if Genjitsushugisha no Oukokukaizouki kills your brain cells? (No. Seriously. Please tell me. I don't know whats above dying brain cells or cancerous brain cells. Please educate me the next-level term for educational descriptive purposes).

(Author's excuse. The genius thought too much.)
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
No this isnt playing chess.
this is the author playing with action figures and saying hes playing chess.
the previous chapter was the last straw.

A Siege army waits for a messenger to go back to the city and wait for them to issue a formal surrender for a whole day.
That was beyond stupid and yet another of the Authors "Im so smart" moments.
Just the because the moron is quoting machiaveli doesnt make the writing any less retarded.
If youre enjoying, props to you, but dont even try to pretend this shit isnt insulting to peoples intelligence.


Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2018

Like I am saying, I don't deny its stupid but at least it fits. The Amidonian army had already been portrayed as idiots. Machicvelli was quoted elsewhere but yes, author wants to feel smart. Also, MC is a historian so quoting random famous people feels like fair game. Still stupid but at least its fair. Also, every author is playing with action figures where the real problem is the quality of said figures but yes I agree with you.

More importantly, I don't care if you hate this story. I just want to know whats worse than dying brain cells as described in the example I gave. You cannot deny that is worse on multiple levels. Just to honestly show you I did NOT pull out that particular dumb strategist moment is from (for the lack of a better word) my ass.

My Father-in-law is Lu Bu Chapter 298

It's not a manga. I don't want to post links here as I may be penalized. I didn't really read the rules. Go find it on Novelupdates or something.

No really, please tell me whats worse than brain cells dying. Im really REALLY dying to know. I take expanding my repertoire of descriptive vocabulary very fun a serious business. If you have one, please tell me.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
I think you already lost enough braincells or have some form of dyslexia if you cant read Shotgun to the head.

At least drinking booze is enjoyable.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018
@boag not for me. i actually hate booze. the only exception is mango beer. that shit's awesome but i'll get tipsy after a pint...

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