Dex-chan lover
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Ha no tag, run away little one; figures you wouldn't have the balls to tag me. It's always the same thing, giving up on actually arguing your bullshit so you try and get the last word by not tagging; inb4 the "i forgot" excuse.
You: "Do you know who George is? He is a Military Commander. Not a ruler. "
Also You: "Irrelevant. The Dragon Duke was a Duke too but he was even more retarded. They are only 'Dukes' to 'balance military power' and is not a Duke in deed. No one called him genius Duke either. In other words, he is still strictly a Military Commander in every way. "
Also You: "A military leader is a ruler. A Duke is a ruler. A King is a ruler. A Teacher is also kind of a ruler. Funny how they have different job scopes. Here you are asking a military leader whose job is to tell his soldiers where to go and not die, to know and make battle plans in a checkmated situation that has absolutely zero detrimental side effect in running a country. Congratulations. Your employees must really hate you."
What do those three quotes have in common? They're all you trying to bullshit what a ruler is. The first one is you being simply wrong and saying a Duke, and more specifically, these dukes are not a rulers. The second is you trying to deflect when I define the word ruler and duke, and explain how they and even a military leader is a ruler, and the third is you trying to retcon your opinion and pretend you've not been arguing the exact opposite up until this point and exaggerate and straw-man in effort to somehow discredit or discount what I've said; simple definitions of words. Then you try and play off the scope of their rule as if that all changes what a ruler is or is relevant to what I said. See, that's how you respond to a quote of a person. Actually stay on fucking topic, and respond to the quote.
Instead of playing games all day, go see a doctor and get prescribed some risperidone or something, you clearly fucking need it.
Ha no tag, run away little one; figures you wouldn't have the balls to tag me. It's always the same thing, giving up on actually arguing your bullshit so you try and get the last word by not tagging; inb4 the "i forgot" excuse.
If you could read, never did I say you did think he is in any of those quotes. You're just quoting random shit to make it look like you've made a point against all of them and to add volume to your bullshit response. Another example of #3 You think writing more is saying more.These quotes below prove that you have no idea what I am talking about or convey, which is about why George is known as a genius. < Please read this carefully. I never said he IS a genius and I am not playing with words.
Or more likely you have no response because you either don't understand or cannot conjure a sufficiently confusing bullshit answer as you've done up until now. You haven't responded to any of those quotes, reasoned as to why they're wrong and again prove you do not know what the word "agree" means.All the above quotes are the ones that tell me that you have no idea what I am trying to say. Most of them are not even worth replying to considering half of it is you ranting about me otherwise agreeing with you in a real life perspective before providing examples for the in-universe perspective.
Oh look, one of those funny contradictions. Good job admitting you're wrong. Here, I'll actually properly use a quote and show you.A military leader is a ruler. A Duke is a ruler. A King is a ruler. A Teacher is also kind of a ruler. Funny how they have different job scopes. Here you are asking a military leader whose job is to tell his soldiers where to go and not die, to know and make battle plans in a checkmated situation that has absolutely zero detrimental side effect in running a country. Congratulations. Your employees must really hate you.
You: "Do you know who George is? He is a Military Commander. Not a ruler. "
Also You: "Irrelevant. The Dragon Duke was a Duke too but he was even more retarded. They are only 'Dukes' to 'balance military power' and is not a Duke in deed. No one called him genius Duke either. In other words, he is still strictly a Military Commander in every way. "
Also You: "A military leader is a ruler. A Duke is a ruler. A King is a ruler. A Teacher is also kind of a ruler. Funny how they have different job scopes. Here you are asking a military leader whose job is to tell his soldiers where to go and not die, to know and make battle plans in a checkmated situation that has absolutely zero detrimental side effect in running a country. Congratulations. Your employees must really hate you."
What do those three quotes have in common? They're all you trying to bullshit what a ruler is. The first one is you being simply wrong and saying a Duke, and more specifically, these dukes are not a rulers. The second is you trying to deflect when I define the word ruler and duke, and explain how they and even a military leader is a ruler, and the third is you trying to retcon your opinion and pretend you've not been arguing the exact opposite up until this point and exaggerate and straw-man in effort to somehow discredit or discount what I've said; simple definitions of words. Then you try and play off the scope of their rule as if that all changes what a ruler is or is relevant to what I said. See, that's how you respond to a quote of a person. Actually stay on fucking topic, and respond to the quote.
No, there isn't. It's the same fuckin difference, real standards are the reader standards. Anyways, your justification makes zero sense and just reek of you trying to bullshit your way out of a corner. Please define real or reader standards and point to any person that says not to use them, because as far what you've said, that translates to "don't use common sense". Saying "civil war is a bad idea when you have 20 different issues going on in the country and your goal is to help the country, and only an idiot would elect for a civil war" isn't a moral judgement, it's pure and simple logic. Those "standards" are universal and apply to any time frame. There could be a rationalized irrational justification but we sure as hell haven't been given one.I'd say that its a writing to show culture difference and reasoned irrationality. Also, I didn't say real standards. I said READER standards. There is a difference but apparently you can't see it as
False equivalence. Historical wars as a pass-time is not at all comparable to a failing country trying to maintain itself. The best comparison you could make is to Nazi Germany, but even that is a bad comparison all things considered. And no, you again simply just make stupid comments with no thought, most commoners realize the negative impacts war has on them, food and labour shortages, crime, money costs, etc. Fortunately, I doubt it's possible for a majority or even significant minority to be as sufficiently stupid as you.Have you read Chinese war stories? They start civil wars on a daily basis for lulz. I'd say that you are underestimating human stupidity. You'd agree and say I'm stupid. But all that is irrelevant because no, the stupidest citizens in that world would not realize that a civil war is a terrible idea or even care that much about it for that matter. Maybe is America. This isn't America.
Oh my god, you cannot pick a side on the stupid spectrum, it's either too much detail or too little. You must have been that kid that when playing superhero said "my strength is your strength+1". The level of petty and pedantic is astonishing. The point of those spitball ideas is to prove there are better options than a civil fucking war that are much easier to achieve.You forgot to account for poison testers and bodyguards that could buy enough time for the many nobles to run and hide. Now you have an even worse civil war brewing along with the King having a reputation for assassination less than a year since he took the crown. The rot within the Kingdom continues to fester quietly and out of sight, causing many problems to sprout out in the future, if the Kingdom even lasts that long in the coming war. Mission failed.
Almost like this is genuinely irrelevant to what you quoted and were originally defending. This in no way makes the point you were the one defending the idea that there were multiple serious issues going on in the country and how a civil war could impact them. Another example of you coopting my position. It's impressive how many bullshit assumptions you can cram into a paragraph.So now we have several escaped convict who leak secrets to the enemy nation, a tyrant King that the people and subjects (like the idiot Dragon) have no faith in, there would be even more problems in making new policies, an enemy nation building up more military strength for a counter attack, and an even worse civil war at God knows when. I mean. Those are all as solvable as a staged civil war but sure, whats more country ending disasters on the pile right? Sure your plan COULD work but you fk the details right? You are the genius after all.
A genius isn't a title that is given or taken you fucking inbred potato. A genius is a state of being, like down-syndrome. You don't gain it or lose it. Semantics aside, the point is, a genius wouldn't make these kinds of decisions. And "ignore your explanations" ha, I've quoted and responded to every bullshit thing you've said.Holy shit. Are you reading the wrong story? He is considered a genius BEFORE. Nobody is saying he is a genius AFTER. Also he was already locked in a civil war since chapter 1. I think you have dyslexia considering the fact that you conveniently ignore my explanations or turn my details around.
False dichotomy. The decisions made were purely for how it'd impact the story and reading experience, not because it was they were the most logical decisions. Don't even need to say more than that.Starting a civil war should be a stupid decision but the other option is to risk an even worse civil war and while not solving several festering problems. On the other hand, if you start the civil war yourself, you could control it to make it less devastating. Of course you could ALSO fail but that wouldn't be any worse than the other option. What about the no civil war option? It never existed in the first place. He had to gather the nobles by sending out 'invites'. The only way to gather them is to announce that he is on their side. That itself already means he is a rebel. He obviously can't deal with all of them at the same time inside his own city (poison/assassination/etc is too risky and would likely end in failure) so he needs someone to do it for him. Then there is also the law where being corrupted don't get you killed but rebelling would.
Oh look, the "no u" again. What a fantastic straw-man and literal example of you doing exactly what I said you were doing. In each of my responses there has been at least one instance of me pointing out you attempting to steal, co-opt or retcon your position. You pretending otherwise when you've said antithetical bullshit sure helps illustrate you inconsistency and hypocrisy.Also, the only one "no u" ing here is you. You simply go "You are a delusional retard hahahaha" without even properly understanding what people is trying to say and half my replies were simply courtesy. Your flawed plan reply is one evidence of such actions. The only reason why you think I am stealing your ideas is because they are the best pieces of example to use for the person who used it in the first place (like the 20 problems) to prove my point. There is no sense in changing stages to confuse the evidently confused person even more (You thinking I am disagreeing with you proves it).
Non-sequitur. Not at all relevant to what you quoted, in any sense.Ever heard of Liu Bei? He is known as an ideal benevolent, humane ruler. This is also the guy who threw his infant son to the ground and said that his wives are like clothes that can be thrown away. Does that sound benevolent to you? Of course not. He is known as benevolent because ancient community reasons. Its stupid. I agree its stupid. Yet this is how it is and Liu Bei even has a nice statue somewhere. I can even tell you WHY he is called benevolent as I wave a middle finger at this child abusing arse. It's mostly history and its 'romanced version' is also one of the most popular stories in China.
Same as above. You're just typing random vaguely similar shit to make it seem like you have more of a point than you do.What about Harry Potter? Four houses going against each other, paint one as evil so that they really do become evil. Stupid castle with death traps, three headed dogs and whatever incidents every fking year and many many more stupid problems that would make this even longer with little to no public repercussions. The culprit for at least half of them is the Supreme Mugwump Dumbass door who has one of the highest positions in the Wizarding World. This showed a dumbass neglectful society. All in all, the story also makes no fking sense but Harry Potter is one of the best-selling book series in the world.
Of course, got to make yourself seem like an enlightened atheist. Yet again, not relevant.There is even one similar "stupidity"(calling people x when they are not x) in a certified historical part of a "bible" (religion not stated) that is purely human interaction and has no "Gods"(like splitting the ocean or w/e) involved. Mentioning it word for word would involve getting the living shit beaten out of you or organ donation. And that is as far as I will go with this because I don't want to die even though that would make this a lousy example.
Again, the answer is simple. He is not a genius because their standards of what constitutes a genius are so low or it makes sense in the context of the story, but because the author contrived it. The proof to this is the fact that he's kept around after all his plans play out. If Soma, a person from modern times, actually had a brain and wasn't contrived to act the way he does, he'd realize "this guy is a fucking idiot of no use to me" and would elect to not keep him around, least of all in a powerful position. Being in medieval or fantasy times generally means uneducated or less knowledgeable on fundamental facts of the universe, physics, biology, etc, not fucking retarded or stupid. And you don't need physics or biology or and education beyond reading comprehension to realize any of this. Correlation != Causation.Now we go back to George. Here I am telling you WHY he is known as a genius in universe. Sure the author wrote it that way. The author also had to construct an entire world with its own community, tradition, values and intellect. If the author makes the world acknowledge George as a genius then that is the intellect level of the Wifi-less world involved. Are his future civil war actions stupid? YES! YES! It is quite fking stupid (realism). Now go back to this dumb fking ass world intellect, knowledge, future predictions, and all that shit and take a second look. What I see now is that, no, it is not that stupid in universe considering all available information given to George at that point in time and the situation he was already in at that point in time especially when compared to the rest of the fictional society. George being an idiot in real life doesn't fking matter because his "Genius" tag is justified. That is why I said reality in this case is not real life (when it comes to the definition of delusion). The characters in the story call him a genius, he has to be a genius by THEIR standards and reality.
Again, I do know what you're trying to say, I just think you don't know what you're trying to say or what you're responding to. I'm using disagree or agree as a binary; you disagree. You stealing my positions, words and beliefs do not change that. You not-so-carefully trying to avoid saying what you actually believe by saying stupid shit like "they believe" or "in their world" or something to that affect to disassociate and avoid plastering yourself to your and the story's patently stupid ideas, characters, story and actions, do not change that. You blabbering fallacy after fallacy, lie after lie, retcon after recton, do not change that.This comes from my FIRST reply to you.
If you STILL have no idea what I am trying to say then you are just an idiot and if EVERYBODY doesn't know what I am trying to say (which I doubt) then I will blame it on my then certified atrocious explaining skills.
Good day, I have games to play and less one-track minded people to talk to. Talking with someone who is really talking about something else is stupid. Doubly stupid when said person thinks I am 100% disagreeing with him despite me saying that its not the case from the very start.
Instead of playing games all day, go see a doctor and get prescribed some risperidone or something, you clearly fucking need it.