Wingspan is useless for measuring how big a person's wings would need to be, as it's dependent on the area of the wing, not the length. According to some calculations I found, with Earth's air density and gravity, one needs a square meter of wing per 6.3 kilos, which for me would be roughly 7.14 square meters, or 3.57 square meters per wing. Given the shape of for instance pigeon wings, I probably wouldn't require more than a 10 meter wingspan, although wings like in the chapter would need to be bigger. Assuming the air density and gravity are the same in that world, of course. Does prevalence of mana change air density?
Source: https://worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/2886/how-big-would-a-pair-of-wings-need-to-be-to-allow-an-adult-human-to-fly-in-a-giv/15681#15681
Note that that's for a world with different air density and gravity, which would make it even easier for me to fly.