Mezametara Saikyou Soubi to Uchuusenmochi Datta node, Ikkodate Mezashite Youhei toshite Jiyuu ni Ikitai - Vol. 9 Ch. 41.1

Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2019
i thought mimi saying "hoe" is like a newly established catchphrase but it was actually similar to "ueh" sfx or something

elma foreshadowing as an exiled or undercover wandering noble

mei's punishment expectation vs reality
expectation: :meguusmug:
reality: :worry:
Active member
Mar 31, 2024
"I live to serve! I shall follow your every order!"

"I order you not to serve me."

"... No plz ;__; "


Also, Mei smiling really warms my heart for some reason.
Active member
Mar 31, 2024
Why does everyone say “hum” and “hoe” all the time

I don’t think you’re aware that either of those are words that mean things, but they are

Ho != Hoe.

"Hoe-hum" is a fairly common way to articulate thinking or 'it can't be helped', at least where I am from.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2018
Honestly, I REALLY dislike him letting his biggest ace in the hole, Krishna get scanned and lose, as I said, his biggest ace in the hole as people didn't know ANYTHING about that ship, now, they will know all of it's strengths and weaknesses.
Imagine if they start mass producing it, just such a bad deal for an extra, what it was, 4/6mil? He made 20mil+ in what feels less than 3months, so that's almost chump change to him if he really starts grinding.
It would be scanned eventually somehow. Whether it being done so legally or illegally, it would be inevitable either way. So this way he can at least benefit from it by

1) making a good chunk of money upfront instead of getting nothing by having it scanned illegally

1a) possibly a trickle of royalty money from any new ship model they make using his design as a base

2) creating a relationship with a manufacturer who will now be able to both fix any damages and upgrade any part of his ship when he feels it is necessary

2a) only those in this company would know about his ship, as they wouldn't just give out the information to their competitors (but I get that this point is only a temporary benefit as information will probably leak out eventually)

2b) create a supplier for unique parts that only his ship currently uses (if there are any)

3) it's not like they will just make carbon copies of his ship and also make it cheep to own. This is a top of the line, premium product the likes of which have never been seen before. They will make it cost an entire planet and market it as a luxury combat ship to nobles.

3a) he doesn't pilot it under the normal means. His tactics and understanding of the ship makes him a specialist, which means that not just anyone could just sit into the cockpit and expect to achieve the same results. The tool only is as skilled as the one using it.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 30, 2020
It's funny I just caught up yesterday after a long long time.
Then it's updated the next day. Kek.

Now I have to wait more months :/
Dex-chan lover
Jun 27, 2020
In the novel, the real black box is his engine. I can't remember, they were either not allowed to scan the engine, or the engine was not scannable.

The rest of his arnmanent is standard, but top tier military grade. Its mentioned there are grades of weapons.

IE, a laser cannon which shoots 50 dmg is civilian, 100 is local garrison, 150 for outdated military, 200 for top of the line military. Same goes for shielding and armor. (I made up the numbers, but the difference in performance is said in the novel)

Military weapons are highly guarded, if a pirate has one without hidden connections to a noble, he will be on the active wanted list, and the military will actively try to get the offender.

Imagine playing Eve, where you have the speed and small size of a frigate. But have armor, shields, weapon slots of a cruiser. Thats why its OP, but he has mentioned several times in novel, if a destroyer can catch him sitting like a duck, a full hit will still destroy him. But his top speed / dodge is too high so they cannot have a clean shot.

He also mentions because of his power output engines he has 4 weapons slots instead of 2 of similar class.(cant remember exact numbers, but it was double) And his engine output is a cruiser in a frigate. So moving the same mass with a bigger engine, he is faster. Only the swann outclasses him for speed. And has more shields too.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
I think it's a matter of ship-to-ship scans (like radar and stuff) versus in person deep scan like the technicians are trying to do here
Probably not the same level of scan.
In space you scan to jauge the other ship's threat (shield levels, weapon signatures or energy levels, etc.)
On ground, you use very powerful and precise scanner to analyse the components.
And @DrunkinDonut
Ya know. This is the exact point I tried to make for that chapter but was overwhelmingly told that I was full of it and completely wrong.

I mean, if we take into consideration the physical requirements of space travel and discerning who and what a ship is in three dimensions, you are absolutely correct, but a few of those people arguing with me had the gall to state that "no, it's their radio transmission that identifies them."

So, yes, I agree with you, but others have stated that, from the perspective of this story this is incorrect.

Think there would be a slight, but meaningful difference between using ship based instruments to scan a ship in flight and taking a hand scanner to a ship in a docking bay.

Not only because doing so would likely give them physical access to the ship, but also most of the ship systems would be on standby for safety reasons while docked and unmanned.
I would personally hope that the arguably significantly larger scanning equipment on a ship would be arguably significantly better at in-depth scans than a "hand scanner." I can't really argue with the "physical access to the ship" aspect though.

Could be a retcon or a translation mistake, but I can see how it is possible. In the vastness of space, where pirates are literally everywhere, being able to scan unidentified ships could mean the difference between life and death, but when docked at a colony these scans can be seen as a major privacy problem, since the ships have been cleared by the authorities to not be pirates.
And this is literally the exact point that so many people tried to destroy that chapter. They were almost always stating that the "scanning" in this story is not that, or that "only police/military force have that right" (which is literal BS, there is a "guild" of "mercenaries" who would be required to be able to "scan" in the manner you are mentioning, and without utilizing this type of scanning noncombatants would be SOL if the other ship was a pirate because I sincerely doubt that the "radio transmission" that "identifies" the ship isn't hackable...)

One final edit, if anyone wants me to go back and find the actual words of the people telling me I was "full of it," "wrong," or "misunderstanding the intentions of the story" I am more than happy to do so. I very much agree with everyone I've responded to here (which is, as of writing, everyone who responded to or mentioned me in a comment on the comments for this chapter), the entire reason I posted this is because of the flood of replies last time telling me I didn't know what I was talking about (which, admittedly, is possible. I haven't read the source material, and it is not only possible but likely that the source material provides more information into this matter...)
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
My interpretation why she looked happy when he said he was gonna punish her is more of a "He cares enough to do this", than her being an M, also closer to how you would treat a person, you wouldnt bother punishing a tablet or a knife right.
Nah. Mei was like "Bring it. I'm stronger than you, smarter than you, and nothing you can do is more than a marginal inconvenience."

She didn't know he'd been receiving tips on how to deal with unruly AI from the shop. Which they offered up because high-spec AI like Mei tend to start trying to trick their masters into doing what the AI has calculated to be best.


Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
i thought mimi saying "hoe" is like a newly established catchphrase but it was actually similar to "ueh" sfx or something

elma foreshadowing as an exiled or undercover wandering noble

mei's punishment expectation vs reality
expectation: :meguusmug:
reality: :worry:
Honestly? They've been hinting Elma's connected to the nobility almost from the start. She knows courtly manners, and has served as the "noble-to-commoner" translator for Hiro, as well as the entire gang's manners coach.
I'd be surprised if she WASN'T nobility.

Meanwhile, what Mimi knows about courtly manners is more "stay outta the way of nobles, they can strike you down without warning for any perceived slight"... Like most commoners, she has little functional knowledge of how to interact with the nobility.

Fortunately for all concerned, given that Hiro gives precisely ZERO craps about all of this blue-blood noise, the noble they're most likely to interact with is the shockingly-tolerant Serena.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2019
Honestly? They've been hinting Elma's connected to the nobility almost from the start. She knows courtly manners, and has served as the "noble-to-commoner" translator for Hiro, as well as the entire gang's manners coach.
I'd be surprised if she WASN'T nobility.
yes, ONLY hinting. but her getting frozen like that as if it was accurate is basically a dead giveaway hence "foreshadowing".
the thing is, the hints before were similar to "oh she's an elf and a veteran so it's a possibility that she knows the things that she knows solely because of connections" or like "she knows things like this because information is power and that's just what veterans do" and not a massive hint like this as if spending massive money like this is like a coin change.

your username fucked with my brain lmao i though i was replying to myself
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 14, 2023
Thanks for the TL! I love this manga so much, so thanks for keeping it going!

Poor Mei. She was expecting sexy punishment and instead got actual real punishment. Hopefully she learns now though.

Elma's gotten used to living the high life after joining up with Hiro, but it's nice after having seen her at rock bottom earlier on in the story.

Mimi continues to be adorable, as usual.

That's true, but narratively this gives him the chance to prove he's not just getting carried by his ship and that he's actually a crazy good pilot. Whether you think that's deserved or not is another matter.
This also depends on whether they're actually able to reverse engineer the Krishna or not. For all we know, the inside of the Krishna could be a black box in terms of secrecy.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2020
I find it fascinating how in an earlier chapter he was literally told that the scanning wasn't illegal so there wasn't anything he could do about it, and this chapter the people called "the authority" are saying that it is illegal.
Wasn't it the chapter that they arrived in this system and everyone was scanning his ship, the elf said it wasn't illegal?
His ship is now under maintenance contract with the scan data part of the contract, so any scanning done without permission of the company onsite would be stealing proprietary data.
Companies and Governments ( which amounts to the same thing here...) tend to be thetchy about such things...

Given the negotiations, they probably have a fair-sized Lawyering department to make things stick as well.

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