@yamiWastaken once again seems like my point is not getting across, lets say the story is perfect, if the art is bad or the progression is bad or there is a problem with character presentation, it will not deserve a 10, a 9 maybe? 8? 7? perfect, but 10 is something you should give for a masterpiece where everything is of high quality, this work for example has at best, mediocre art quality, story wise I will leave it to you to decide. the point is your personal feeling about a work should not overpaint the quality of the said work, your personal feeling for sure will affect the final score you give... damn that girl is beautiful, perfect, what about her personality? how does she think? just BCS she is 10 out of 10 in looks does not mean she is a perfect 10. maybe for you, her looks are more important, okay you can give more value to it but the rest still got their own value, even if they are low. I hope it is clear now, bcs if it is not idk what to say anymore. I'm not trying to argue by the way, it is a civil discussion.
another example, the anime "legend of galactic heroes" is a masterpiece the story and characters are perfect even the art quality for its time is pretty good (not anymore when you compare it to the modern works) even the freaking music was perfect cuz they used Mahler symphonies so that is a 10 out of 10 for me but my personal feeling may have effected the final score by one point then there are people that give the same work a score of 1... like damn can you at least give it a 2 or 3 for the fucking music? how can you even question Mahlers symphony No.2 Ressurection? then we got another popular anime, "sword art online" I personally really enjoyed it and rewatched it few times but I can not give it a 10 out of 10, mainly BCS how the story develops and how the feeling of danger in the first arc slowly fades away or cuz how the art quality dropped a bit mid season... a 7? that would be my score, an 8? reasonable... but a 10 would be a bit too much. and there again people give the same work a score of 1... like what on earth... once again, the only work that deserves a 1 is a manga without pictures or a book without text and only works where all aspects of them are perfect deserve a 10. do you consider this the best manga you have ever read? if yes then fine it can be that this is what you consider perfect art quality and story telling who am I to judge ? if not does it deserve the same score as the best manga you have ever read?
I'm gonna make it a bit longer now lol sorry
last example, I promise, some times there are music tracks that I just love, I really love them yet I know they are shit... I love them but I know they are not a 10, and then there is this music that I know is a 10, I just cant like it... but it is still a 10, just not my taste.