@someunregpunk - Quite possibly. I don't doubt that since the author here rather seems to actually enjoy pulling such shitty stunts. And I've read multiple mangas where I'm convinced those authors did exactly the same thing too. -____-;
But I have read little snippets here in the comments on how in the WN, Greed threw little shit into a wall and shattered a bunch of her bones, possibly breaking her spine so she'd be paralyzed for the rest of her jail life. >

Now seeing that would have been a hell of a lot more satisfying than just a dumb bitch slap but - of course -
LORD FORBID we do anything truly fatal/harmful to an ML's family when they need to prevent their deaths in order for dumb character growth to occur. One, that I might add here, hardly seems necessary here since the only thing she truly
NEEDS to learn is that probably most of the other Kingdom/Empires/ect. out there are all horribly corrupt. And now the best way to fix them is to
FREAKING PURGE the entire rotten system currently in place and replace it with one that actually works and isn't filled with evil noble psychopaths. XD