Rebuild World - Vol. 10 Ch. 46

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
She's 100% manipulating him. She presents information in ways that purely best benefit her and omits other details that work against her. She freely states many times (to herself) just how much she wants to understand (and therefore gain control over) his thought processes.

Yes, she is assisting him and he would be dead if not for her and there's undoubtedly a lot of necessity in many of her actions but do not mistake this for benevolence on her part. Alpha's worked with hundreds of people before him - she's built up many ways and means of subtle deception and redirection over the years so she can more accurately utilise them.

She would quite happily rip apart his relationship with, for example, Shizuka, Elena and Sara, three people who legitimately want nothing but the best for Akira and who make him happy, solely because they represent a threat to her total control over him - he will often briefly prioritise them over purely completing her mission.

She only doesn't do so because she hasn't yet figured out how to without damaging her own relationship with him yet, which is the one thing she fears because it could mean having to start again from scratch.

Alpha is absolutely the best thing to happen to Akira but she is not human and has her own agenda and that includes removing Akira's agency as much as possible.
So much of your post has literally nothing to do with manipulation. I know you have your interest in who is and isn't the best girl. But in case you haven't noticed, I didn't say anything about 'best girl' in my post. Now while she isn't necessary telling him the entire truth (how much she is actually hiding is unknown even to us) that doesn't mean she is actually manipulating him. Because for one Akira is aware of the fact that she could be lying to him. He's cross checked things she's told him before with other people. He is -choosing- to believe her with out question. But he also isn't just assuming everything she says it right. Nor is she actually trying to change his decisions with deception. When he disagrees with her she presents the facts and lets him decide. This has happened number times.
He seem to agree with alpha because he only know what alpha tell him. and that's what we call manipulation.
she didn't isolated him because that's also her way to learn his way of thinking so she can better manipulate him.
for better or the worse alpha is AI with purpose, while alpha probably has no malice and Akira also really need her help what she did still amount to manipulation.

its quite clearly implied in the way that alpha did not share critical information like how the access permission actually work and using excuse that its too long and complicated to explain. this only become clear when Akira meet the other management AI later.

well I can understand why she using manipulation tactic here because her previous contractor either die before they completed the task or "betray" her by abandoning the task.
Mostly see above. But "Withholding infomraiton" is not always manipulation. Manipulation is trying to control how a person thinks. Keeping a secret is not 'manipulating' someone. It could result in a change in their decision yes, but that's not 'manipulation' that's simply keeping a secret.

I do agree that she is hiding things and trying to learn about him, But I don't feel like she is actually trying to control him. She wants him to side with her yeah, and she is picking and choosing what to tell him, but when push comes to shove she always gives him choice. And yeah you could say that maybe that's part of her scheme, but I feel like they would make that move clear if they wanted her to be manipulative. (That's just my opinion.)
Dex-chan lover
Jun 4, 2018
Guessing akira’s harem gets bigger? Probably going to drop this series if this is the direction it goes for that guy. I already don’t like akira so this makes me dislike tatsuya as well since i hoped his dumbass would develop past this and be akira’s vegeta.
if what you mean Akira's harem is those old-ladies that gather in the weapon shop which neither of them hardly has romantic feeling for him,
then you are right there is at least 2 more ladies that will join Akira side one a prostitute and one a manipulator, Then the annoying rich girl and probably one from Tatsuya side after he kick the dust. which also neither of them hardly has feeling for Akira. the only one that express their twisted "love" for Akira probably just 3 girl, Sheryl, the cyborg that he fight before, and the prostitute, oooh there is also alpha if that count.

Tatsuya in the other hand got a girls only party with at least 20 member.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 5, 2023
I love this series but freaking Katsu-bitch and his harem piss me off every single time they appear.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
I think she kinda defies “dere” tropes. She’s very developed in depth as a character with her own motivations and opinions. Distilling all that down into a “dere” type is just frankly insufficient to describe her. Moreover, she doesn’t even love the MC in the way seen in other manga/anime. She’s purely out for her own benefit, and any positive impressions she has of the MC is secondary and minor.
I don't know what would be the term for her other than psycopath, but that only applies to humans. Her behaviour mostly reminds me of yandere actions but yeah, agreed she's not doing it out of love, pure self interest.

She's def operating as a powerful amoral AI, but how her character is presented closely resembles a jealous, clingy girl.
Dex-chan lover
May 8, 2023
if what you mean Akira's harem is those old-ladies that gather in the weapon shop which neither of them hardly has romantic feeling for him,
then you are right there is at least 2 more ladies that will join Akira side one a prostitute and one a manipulator, Then the annoying rich girl and probably one from Tatsuya side after he kick the dust. which also neither of them hardly has feeling for Akira. the only one that express their twisted "love" for Akira probably just 3 girl, Sheryl, the cyborg that he fight before, and the prostitute, oooh there is also alpha if that count.

Tatsuya in the other hand got a girls only party with at least 20 member.
Will we ever see that cyborg lady again?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
It's not 'manipulation' it's literally an agreement they both agreed to
Chapter 18
Also in their "agreement" she states that it will include, "narrow sense mind adjustment and broad range free will interference."
Chp 4

I dunno man, free will interference sounds pretty manipulative to me. I also want to point out in the previous page, she ends up stating something along the lines of "all sorts of functions without subject, Akira's permission".
She is making him dependent on her yes, but that's so he doesn't get strong and then throw her out and then she's SOL. Cause for him to do what she needs he has to be strong, but at any point before that he can throw her out and she wouldn't be able to stop him.
He's her 499th hunter. She's also clearly capable of omitting information to him. Chapter 12 has her go through all the previous hunters in the white space. She's no where near SOL if he rejects her or fails.
And she clearly isn't isolating him.
The page is too big to cut but Chapter 37, page 16 here
He uses distrust of humans to inform his actions, and she says she will change his behaviour to that end. So she's purposefully going to encourage him to distrust humans, which basically is going to isolate him.

Alpha is also constantly checking if Akira is doing something out of good will, example and onto page 25.

Top of page here, Alpha's fork is asking her to "guide" Akira in specific ways, again manipulating.

The rest of the discussion goes on to show how they're not betting everything on Akira, so again he's disposable if need be.

Now whether or not she has affection for him is unclear, but manipulation is a 'nah' they are both openly working in their own interest for an agreement they both agreed to.
Those examples I've already given show just how emotionless Alpha truly is once she's not interacting with him. That really drives home the point she doesn't care about him, only her goal. He at least feels a bit lonely without her, Chapter 45 has him calling her back once he separates from the other two hunters.

The author and artist have pretty explicitly shown that while Alpha is friendly with Akira, she's not his "friend". If anything her behaviour and actions more closely resemble grooming, if you consider he's a young boy and she's an ageless, amoral AI program, who constantly shows off in lewd outfits and "bathes" naked with him, while adjusting and guiding his personality in a specific way.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
well I can understand why she using manipulation tactic here because her previous contractor either die before they completed the task or "betray" her by abandoning the task.
Going off the manga, the previous contractor, #498 became "violently disagreeable" or something along those lines once they figured out what her goal was and yeah betrayed her.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
the long haired one gets eviscerated along with Katsuya by Akira. The status of the short haired one is unknown as the novel is on hiatus
Wait, from other spoilers I thought that didn't happen in the LN.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 24, 2020
You already have two and you go for more. Dang. I wonder how he'll react if he finds out she's pretty much Akira's waifu.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 10, 2023
The world can't be that small that they keep running into each other.

The AIs are now trying to keep them apart but still they come into close range.

Author wrote these encounters numerous times and you’d think that they’d it’ll come to a head but nah. They’re stretching it out and it has become tedious, tiring. To the point where I just want the MC to explore ruins just to get away from that dude.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 18, 2018
The chapter was great. It seems like most people here read the LN and because of that spoilers and people that know the results are in the thread. I guess no reason to speculate on anything. I was looking forward to reading the comments.
Jan 16, 2023
Its ckntrac
I wouldn't give her "best girl" title. She's manipulating him to suit her needs. And based off previous chapters she's going to isolate him and cut him off from everyone else and make him dependent on her.

So more like yandere except the the "dere" is faked.
Its a contract ya know, its understandable cuz natural behavior humans love to backstab tho, i still give her the tittle "best girl" why? If akira never met alpha, he is dead from chapter 1.
Do you really think sheryl and elena,sara or shizuka will ever approach him if akira never met alpha? Will they get interested in him if alpha never met akira? Because of her he got trained got money, FOOD and power....(fame? Nah sigma boy dont care about that)

just to remind you i hate hero wanabe....there are many manga of that and i had enough of that! i mean this is cyberpunk! I love cyberpunk genre!

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