Sensitive Boy - Vol. 3 Ch. 26 - Self-aware, and at the same time...

Dex-chan lover
Aug 21, 2023
World must have changed a lot, neither I nor any of my male friends behaved like this dude. Like he basically falls in love and confesses to anything that resembles a female and is nice to him for longer than 10 seconds. I don't think I know a single person who behaved like this even in like kindergarten/primary school, and dudes supposedly in high school?.
Dude is like a walking bunny toy with Duracell batteries. He basically goes on a repeat loop of "find someone resembling female>confirm them being nice to him>fall in love>get fucked>cry>go to step 1".
All the drama/hurt doesn't scare me as much as his "in-human" to my eyes behaviour.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 3, 2019
This dude is rushing way too fast. I feel like the first girl that is nice to him he starts to like right away.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Please turn him down
Please turn him down
Please turn him down
Please turn him down
Please turn him down
Please turn him down
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
World must have changed a lot, neither I nor any of my male friends behaved like this dude. Like he basically falls in love and confesses to anything that resembles a female and is nice to him for longer than 10 seconds. I don't think I know a single person who behaved like this even in like kindergarten/primary school, and dudes supposedly in high school?.
Dude is like a walking bunny toy with Duracell batteries. He basically goes on a repeat loop of "find someone resembling female>confirm them being nice to him>fall in love>get fucked>cry>go to step 1".
All the drama/hurt doesn't scare me as much as his "in-human" to my eyes behaviour.

It makes sense for Kaede, in as much as his idea of being a “normal” high school boy is to be constantly infatuated with someone. A “normal” boy would want attention from girls at all times, and it seems like he’s mostly informed by peer pressure and pop culture.

Less that this is how this generation acts, and more Kaede’s unique trauma response.
Aug 22, 2023
Kaede nooooo
dont listen to your idiot playboy friend. (Also is it just me or are his friends kind of... less observant than they were previously)
Apr 5, 2023
Not sure what his gameplan is here. This impulsive idiot is gonna get his heart broken.
IRL would prolly take a bunch of cycles of breaking and healing to create a heart tough enough to carry his trauma in a healthy-ish way. But it ain't gonna be fun.
Aggregator gang
Feb 10, 2023
I hope she chuckles and plays it off while saying “all you have is puppy love for me due to a breakup“ or be brutal.. don’t let the homie get messy again
Dex-chan lover
Sep 29, 2019
Kaede nooooo
dont listen to your idiot playboy friend. (Also is it just me or are his friends kind of... less observant than they were previously)
this, he was too motivated due to that dude’s suggestion who has the exact opposite personality from him. :pepehmm:
and i guess the reasons why Kaede’s friends being less observant than before is because they know Kaede might be busy with his part-time and think there’s no love interest he has right now (since Kaede himself doesn’t want to trouble them after what happened to him with Tsubasa, he haven’t told them too)

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