The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady - Vol. 6 Ch. 31

Double-page supporter
May 31, 2023
I love this Novel (although there is still the question of Euphie's immortality while Anis is not.... despite having absorbed the knowledge and magicite of the Dragon, which personally bothers me a lot that it still hasn't been resolved despite 4 volumes).
I just hope that the important part of Euphie's contract with the spirits, the contrast with Anis and the whole emotional part of the latter looking for a place in that world is well treated like in the book rather than like in the anime which was TOO much but TOO rushed! It needed at least 1-2 extra episodes in my opinion.
Totally agree, I know this is going to get addressed eventually but it’s starting to get annoying. Although maybe tag spoilers for those who skipped the anime or haven’t read the ln
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2023
"it's cool" "uwu you're baised" lmao fuck off dumbass. It's showing how mature you're being about it.
Wow, looks like I offended a bunch of people here. I’m sorry for the “biased” remark, then. I forget that this is the internet at the end of the day.

Wow, @SlipTrick
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Double-page supporter
May 5, 2020
I don't get why he's mad at Anis for abandoning the throne when it makes him heir and be able to change the stuff he doesn't like once he becomes king. Is it just his inferiority complex?
Yep. He doesn't realize that the nobles wouldn't like Anis on the throne. Because if the ruler of the country, the person with the most noble blood, can't use magic, what's the point in having the metric for being a noble the ability to use magic? He can enact the changes he wants to see on the throne, but he's too busy being a whiny bitch baby to understand that he's just a coward.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2023
Although his "plan" is clearly unhinged, over the top, and obviously backed (and probably invented) by someone else, you gotta feel bad for the guy, since he does have a frikking point. You shoulda talked to him when you had the chance, Anis.
This I do agree with. IMHO Anis should’ve thought about a better way to mend that broken relationship a long time ago. I get that they were kids back then, so of course they won’t necessarily think about resolving the disagreement, but it’s frustrating, nonetheless.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 27, 2023
You talk to much Algard and your actions are bullshit. Do you really think this would make any difference at all in reality? Not like you’ll be someone above average just because you became a vampire.
The power of mind control will make no difference in his quest of changing the minds of the people?
Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2018
Just gonna point out, even if he did succeed, what kind of king would he be? The key to rule is power, as power is absolute. To do not what is morally right, but what needs to be done. To be willing to sacrifice the few for the many.

Is this not a Tyrant? For him to maintain power it must be absolute otherwise there would be war and revolts. This would cause change but not nessicarily the ones anyone would want. It would be a rein of terror and the start of a dark age.
Aggregator gang
Jun 7, 2019
Cant hate Al because His methods are wrong but what he wants is not. He recognizes the unfairness of the world with nobles having all the power and magic. He also knows as king he would not be able to change that but Anis has the talent/smarts to change it but ran away from the throne. He resolves to underhanded methods because he feel that is his best option.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 11, 2019
I think the worst option is "leave the status quo as-is", it's just that his solution isn't anywhere near as optimal as he thinks it is.
And that is why he is average. Sure, mind control can get him what he wants at first, but then what? His intelligence is average, and nothing is more dangerous than an average person pushing change that may seem right but has unintended consiquences. A lot of people think "if only the opposing side was gone verything would be swell", but slowing down change is also a safety that prevents collapse due to making a mistake. Someone who just mind controls his way through with average intelligence is asking for things to fall through the cracks. Then comes the question of if with time the power might corrupt him as power corrupts proportionally. Even if he doesnt, what will he do about his offsprings who have vampire power? Will they be so non corrupt? If he insures they have no vampire power, would their society still function after he is gone? Then there is the side effects of the charm ability

His actions from a royalty standpoint isnt wrong, but his capability to follow up on it is questionable.
Aggregator gang
Jan 28, 2018
You talk to much Algard and your actions are bullshit. Do you really think this would make any difference at all in reality? Not like you’ll be someone above average just because you became a vampire.
If by make a difference you mean make the kind of world that he'd want to live in, then no, but he's not trying to reform the country or fix anything, but tear it all down. If that's your only goal, then yeah, abusing stolen vampiric powers from the position of the throne probably would make a difference. I think it's a mischaracterization of his motives to think he tossed aside his humanity in both a literal and figurative sense to "become someone better than others" because you can tell from his dialogue that his sense of self worth hasn't improved at all now that he has the power.
Aggregator gang
Feb 21, 2021
show how little you know about good writ

this is the most moronic comment about an manga chapter that I had to read in 2023 go and take a chill pill you triglodite
After reading the exact same type of scenario for the N'th time, you get just a LITTLE sick of it.
"Troglodyte" ? Really ?
I WISH I lived in a cave far away from everyone and everything.
Much safer, no scary humans and their made up societal rules that they don't even follow themselves.

From a lifelong trauma started at childhood (or birth probably?) I react very badly toward idiot-anger-characters so, no, I don't think I'll be "chill pill"'ing as you are suggest, child.
Double-page supporter
Dec 10, 2020
He kind of highlights why she couldn't be Queen though. The people around the throne look down on those without magic, and she doesn't have magic. Her research into magicology was only possible because she gave up her position as heir and devoted her time to it. If she had stayed as heir, her duties would have prevented her from attaining the power she now has, and would have been the puppet herself, with the people around her claiming how he would be the better king instead.

She only makes for a good Queen because she refused the role in the past. If she had held on to the position of heir, he'd be working to usurp her for not being fit due to her lack of magic. He's just salty that she started from a position of weakness and built herself up without help to surpass him.
Nov 18, 2020
Honestly the prince is totally justified and it is also a decent plan to claim the vampiric charm. That way he can peacefully transition the nation without the nobels starting a counter movement or a coup. I also don't mind the exploitative aristocracy beeig mind controlled as while that is most certainly a violation of human rights so is feudalism. And the latter actually kills people so it's objectively worse
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2020
After that cringe-y self-righteous monologue he really deserves to get shanked. Please don't prolong (my) suffering and just end him now.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 8, 2020
He kind of highlights why she couldn't be Queen though. The people around the throne look down on those without magic, and she doesn't have magic. Her research into magicology was only possible because she gave up her position as heir and devoted her time to it. If she had stayed as heir, her duties would have prevented her from attaining the power she now has, and would have been the puppet herself, with the people around her claiming how he would be the better king instead.

She only makes for a good Queen because she refused the role in the past. If she had held on to the position of heir, he'd be working to usurp her for not being fit due to her lack of magic. He's just salty that she started from a position of weakness and built herself up without help to surpass him.
Isn't this is point that even without Magic, the nobles wouldn't be able to rebel against her because her magicology and genius is just too strong ?
He mention a previous revolution who ended with the nobles killing everyone involved. An average king would get killed, Anis would destroy anyone who try to take her down.
Anis doesn't have magic, the nobles doesn't like that, sure, but they also can't do shit about it, that's the "perfect" situation.

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