Fuck the Sperado douchebags. Yet, I still feel a little sad for them because the father and elie are a product of their environment. No one is born evil, it is something you become. And kids are very suspectible to manipulation. his father was an evil piece of shit, therefore he became an evil piece of shit aswell. and he did the same as his father did before him and transferred the evil piece of shit thing to Elie. Although feel more bad for Elie though, since everyone in her life is a piece of evil shit douchebaggery, her father, mother her fiancé. she and her dad are a product of the environment they grew up in. Don't get me wrong, they still deserve whatever punishment is coming for them. to end it on a good note, I don't think Leslie will ever be as physically strong as her mother, but with enough physical and magical training, she will become a force to be reckoned with. Possibly surpass her family too. She is also the most kind smol being, that deserves all the happiness in the world.